Network: NBC
Episodes: 13 (hour)
Seasons: One
TV show dates: September 22, 2011 — January 22, 2012
Series status: Cancelled
Performers include: Maria Bello, Aidan Quinn, Brian F. O’Byrne, Tim Griffin, Kirk Acevedo, Damon Gupton, Kenny Johnson, and Peter Gerety.
TV show description:
This gritty crime drama is based on the long-running UK series of the same name.
NYPD homicide Detective Jane Timoney (Maria Bello) is a tough-as-nails outsider who’s just been transferred to a new squad — a place where her new colleagues already dislike her. Jane is confident and focused but also rude, abrupt, and occasionally reckless. She has her vices, and rumors of a questionable past follow her everywhere. At the end of the day, she’s an instinctively brilliant cop who can’t be distracted from the only important thing: tracking down the prime suspect.
Despite the praises from Lieutenant Kevin Sweeney (Aidan Quinn), Jane is passed over for top cases and is sent to handle menial tasks. His support does little to quell the rumors that her somewhat checkered past includes sleeping her way into a job on their squad. Not content to sit back and take it, she takes the bull by the horns and charges forward.
Detective Reg Duffy (Brian F. O’Byrne) is particularly outspoken about his dislike for Jane and clearly has some of his own inner-demons. Others in the squad include Detective Augie Blando (Tim Griffin), former football player Detective Luisito Calderon (Kirk Acevedo), and Detective Evrard Velerio (Damon Gupton), a longtime friend of Jane’s and a new member of the homicide department.
Outside of the department, Jane has the support of Matt Webb (Toby Stephens in the pilot, afterward Kenny Johnson), her divorced contractor boyfriend, and her father Desmond Timoney (Peter Gerety), a vibrant senior citizen.
Episode 13 — Stuck in the Middle with You
Jane and the team find out that an imprisoned hit man may be responsible for the latest drive-by at local store. Sweeney orders 24 hour a day security when a hit is ordered on one of their own. Also, Jane is a third wheel on an uncomfortable date.
First aired: January 22, 2012.
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Image courtesy NBC.
This was the greatest show on TV for years. It could have been the Seinfeld of dramas had they given it a chance. Instead it was moved to a different time slot every darn week…this was amazing writing…characters had flaws….the acting was the best I’ve seen on tv in years. No female cops in tight skirts and makup or even female cadets that look like they were a model the week before. Bello Was OUTSTANDING. I don’t know how she played her great beauty down but she did and it worked. The show with the parents who were murdered…that kept… Read more »
We love this show. So smart and great dialogue. I agree with Angie about Human Target, another favorite. Can’t believe they aren’t coming back. No wonder I am in a funk about the current state of TV.
All of the good shows are being cancelled! And Grimm, I’m going to stop watching that one. They rarely have any shows playing on Friday nights.
What happened?
This was a great show!! We loved it and are very disappointed that it was cancelled. Didn’t it get moved to a different night? Seems like we couldn’t find it for awhile. Don’t start a new show and change the time midstream!
This was THE best new show. I can’t believe it was canceled. Please, one of the cable networks, please pick this one up!!
Whom do we talk to about bringing this show back… Who do we send our petitions too… This was a Great show… For once I can say I love the whole cast of something… Great writing and although a serious drama tiny comedy bits inside as well.. Please bring this show back.. Theirs totally nothing on Thursday nights for me except to Half hour comedy shows.. I’ve got at least a 2hr gap now that Prime Suspect is Cancelled. Please bring it back where do we go whom do we speak with.. I’ve signed petitions.. I’ve posted on all the… Read more »
I had NO idea that this show (one of the very BEST!) was being cancelled! Lorraine is right about saying NBC could and SHOULD have given it a different timeslot…but for heaven’s sake, give it a CHANCE! Dumb move, NBC. I will miss Prime Suspect…and all the great characters.
What!!!!! Don’t cancel this show, as it is one of our favorites!! The shows were interesting and kept you guessing what was going to happen. This show should have had a Monday evening or Friday evening time slot!!!
So very sorr to see the show being cancelled . It keeps getting better and better. Jennifer
This sucks I loved this show. I watched it every week it was on.
I loved this show!! Just like Human Target..not given enough of a chance…why I only watch faithfully 4 shows a week..otherwise they keep cancelling my favorites!
Another show that wasn’t given a chance, maybe a different time slot would have helped, but no networks give up to soon, lets try and give it a chance for some of these shows, the ratings aren’t everything you know, there are millions of us out here who do like this show, think of us once.