It just goes to show, there’s no such thing as “a sure thing” in Hollywood. While shows like Gilmore Girls and Everwood have been nervously wondering if they were going to be renewed, the cast and crew of Reba McEntire’s Reba could just relax. After all, the show is the highest rated sitcom on the WB and besides, the show was renewed for two seasons last year. No worries, right?
Not so. When the UPN/WB merger was announced earlier this year, it’s said that CBS’ leader Les Moonves sent word that the new CW network would honor the rest of the two-year commitment. With that in mind, the Reba cast and crew wrapped their shooting according to schedule on March 14, 2006.
In a surprising move a few weeks later, CW executives reportedly told Fox (who produces the show) that they wanted to cancel the deal because the show doesn’t attract their “desired demographic.” Fox supposedly rejected the request and it’s likely that if the CW still wants out, it will come at a costly price.
The season finale of Reba (episode 112 and entitled “Reba’s Heart”) aired on May 5, 2006. It was originally shot as a cliffhanger but after word of the potential cancellation was released, the episode was re-edited.
Though Reba has not been officially cancelled, it would be surprising to see it on the CW Fall schedule. Still, it is the highest-rated sitcom on the WB and the similarly rated 7th Heaven was cancelled, aired a series finale, and has now been resurrected and renewed for Fall. So, as I said, there’s no such thing as a sure thing in Hollywood. Stay tuned!
I can’t believe they are keeping stupid shows like 7th heaven, but cancelling one of the best sitcoms I’ve seen. morons.
My whole family enjoys watching Reba. PLEASE bring it back – we miss her and the gang!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring back REBA!!!!!!!!!!! It is my all time fav show
Please bring back Reba! My family and I, lOVE REBA. We order pizza on Friday nights and have our family time watching Reba. It is the best family show, my children and grandchildren,myself and my husband just LOVE REBA.PLEASE BRING REBA BACK.
Please bring Reba back! There aren’t enough good shows out there. Even my high school kids loved it.We all could relate to the characters and have a good laugh together.
Please bring Reba back. My husband and I love this show. Each character is so refeshingly funny. It is just good comedy! We were confused last season with trying to find new episodes only to be disapointed. Is it the last season that is coming out on DVD?
My fingers are crossed for Reba.
Carol Dodson, Calgary, Alberta
please do not cancel REBA i am 23 years old and me and my whole family 2 kids and hubby love reba. she is funny heck the whole cast is funny especially new wife lol
.:oMg…DoN’t CaNcEL rEbA…iM 19 yEaRs OLd aNd iT iS oNe Of ThE oNLy sHoWs On Tv tHaT i rEaLLy EnJoY..i LoVe StEvE hOwEy aKa VaN mOnTgOmErY…hE iS sOo cUtE…aNd tHe ReLaTiOnShIp bEtWeEn jOaNnA gArCiA (cHeYeNnE)aNd StEvE hOwEy iS sOo AdOrAbLe…sO dO tHe EnTiRe tV cOmMuNiTy a FaVoR aNd DO nOt CaNcEL rEbA….
Please bring bring Reba back, its a great show always makes you laugh and smile!
Please do not cancel Reba I would like to know what happens with Van and Cheyenne and plus the bickering betwwwn Reba and Barbara Jean is priceless so find a spot for it.
I am a loyal viewer of Reba and it would be a travisty to cancel it. My entire family (not just the ones that live in my house) watches the show and we would be devistated to have it cancelled. There are very few shows that I do not have to worry about my 9 year old son watching when I am not in the room but this is one of them. I tape every episode and watch them when I need a little comidec pick me up. PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL REBA!!!!!
Best comedy to air in a long time. If the WB doesn’t want it, go to another channel.
Please DO NOT cancel REBA! It is the only descent family comedy on TV today!!!
I’m a 50 year old women who just loves Reba and can’t understand why you would even think about cancelling it. It brings smiles on our faces and I watch it with my son and daughter who are only 14 and 16 and they like the sh
ow. It has something for everyone.With all the reality shows and not much else that is worth watching I think this show is a keeper. Please keep it on.
Please do not cancel “Reba”. I love it!!! My favorite character is the son-in-law, Van. I am 60 years old and see all my favorite shows cancelled far too much.