NBC has released the 12th episode of their medical drama Saving Hope online. The episode was originally scheduled to air on 9/1, was shifted to 9/8 and then NBC cancelled their plans to air it altogether.
The peacock network supposedly plans to release the 13th and final episode of season one online as well. That’s very likely to be the end of the TV show on NBC however. While Savng Hope has been renewed for a second season in Canada, the TV series registered very poor ratings here in the states.
Here’s the 12th episode description from the network, as well as the full video:
Alex and Shahir bring Charlie to the O.R. for a last resort procedure, but Charlie must first face his past before he can wake up. Meanwhile, Joel performs a risky surgery on a female jockey and Gavin crosses the line when he meets an Alzheimer’s patient.
What do you think? Are you still liking Saving Hope? Are you hoping that a cable channel in the US will pick it up? Which would be the best fit?
What a shame! I love this show and really looked forward to seeing it every Thursday. There aren’t many good shows these days and this one is exceptional!
Really enjoyed the show! Cannot believe NBC is leaving US viewers ‘hanging’. I don’t care to watch episodes on the internet. Hope a cable network picks it up.
This is a very good show. I cannot believe it is being cancelled. I guess I should believe it. Every time I really like a show it seems to get cancelled!! I hope one of the cable channels realize how good it is and oicks it upo for season two.
Once again the “networks ” cancel a very good show and disappoint viewers . This was a show with some quality , no violance or gratuitous sex ,with a great back story to buffer the medical stories. It is no wonder the cable stations are taking over TV dramas.
I really miss watching it. I have looked and wondered where it went. What did NBC replace it with?
Please make this show available either on TV or the internet if it’s only going to be shown in Canada. We Americans want to see it too. It is a VERY GOOD show.
I really enjoyed this show. I Hope someone else picks it up.
I really liked this show! I think another network should pick it up and at least run on more season so the story can finish!!
i really like this show. i will watch it any way it is available
I should have known. Every time there’s an intelligent show on t.v. “they” cancel it. I really liked this one – good acting, interesting main characters, and an amazing premise and storyline. Our loss, oh you idiots who watch all the inane mindless junk on t.v……
one of the best shows. please dont cancel.
I love this show! Please bring it back NBC!!!!!!
I loved the show! I thought it ended to quickly…bring the show back to the US!
I love the show. Why are so many great dramas being cancelled? I recorded the series on my DVR, so I suppose my “vote” doesn’t get counted. The TV industry needs to come with a better way of determining who likes on what on prime time. And for heaven’s sake, quit
with all the reality tv. With what it costs to watch quality tv, an item that used to be free, we consumers deserve a lot better!
Love the show! Please keep it on in USA.