FOX first announced this show back in 2010 and it took this long to bring Terra Nova to the small screen. Some viewers have been “chomping at the bit” to see it but, for the most part, it looks like the general audience isn’t all that interested.
Per the fast affiliate numbers, last night’s two-hour premiere of Terra Nova attracted a 3.0 in the 18-49 demographic and 8.99 million total viewers. Though those numbers are okay, the network was surely hoping for much bigger considering the size of this new series. It was in third place for its timeslots, beaten by ABC and CBS.
Aside from Friday night’s return of Fringe, this was the network’s weakest scripted series premiere so far this season.
Compared to last season’s 8pm premiere of House, the network was down by 29% in the demo and 16% in viewers. On the positive side, Terra Nova improved over last year’s Lone Star premiere by 230% and 219% respectively. That was, as you surely remember, the fist new show of the season to be cancelled.
So, while Terra Nova isn’t a out-of-the-gate bomb, it’s not an immediate hit either. Its fate will ultimately be decided as we see how future episodes perform.
NOTE: The weekly ratings are now available.
What do you think? Do you like the Terra Nova TV series? What’s your gut instinct? Do you think it’ll be cancelled like so many other sci-fi shows or be renewed for a second season?
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Image courtesy FOX.
I like it! It is new , creative. It makes you think about possibilities with plenty of action to go with the thinking.
Terra Nova is a great series. Why anyone would want to cancel it is beyond me. It’s the only imaginative series on TV today. I hope Fox will renew the series for a second season. I’m sick of all the crappy cop shows on all the networks all of the time. Terra Nova has a lot going for it. It only needs a chance. GIVE IT A CHANCE!
Oh yes; I would definately watch it in a season #2. Thats the “ONLY” thing I watch on Fox. So you have my attention….I know now that I always have to watch FOX every Monday at 8:00 PM. I missed the air date of the 2 hour season finale, (My fault I forgot Mon at 8) but I watched it on the FOX website. You are gaining a new viewer, if that even matters. Manuel , Greenville, S.C.
Terra nova might get renewed for a second but not for a third season because the producers have too much invested in the shows production. If they could get their money back they would shut it down right now. As well as they should, the show stinks in every dimension.
Tom in Norway is right and I would like to add the fatal mistake in this series is disguising it self as Aci-Fi and the one can hardly see any Sci-Fi elements in it if we exclude the jump to the jurassic and the few prehistoric creatures that did a (cameo) apperance in it. the setting of the storyline of this show can be anywhere and anytime because its more like a drama targeting the struggle between terranova and the outsiders . another show failed for the same reasons was SGU where there is heaps of drama and hardly any… Read more »
I have been watching Terra Nova online to catch up: I love this show! I am a Sci-Fi fan but the family dynamic of this show is amazing. If Fox cancells Terra Nova, I will stop watching all Fox shows including Fringe, which is my guilty pleasure for the week.
Keep it. I visit the website each day wainting for more. Terra Nova is my white nose candy. If you take it away i will have to find real white nose candy. That you be on you FOX. You dont want that do you.
Terra Nova, finally something to look forward to on Monday night’s. Great concept, good story line and lot’s of potential. Canceiling in my opinion would be a mistake.
I am enjoying Terra Nova. At this time is is a little slow and predictable, but I really like where it is heading. The only thing I don’t like is that it is on FOX and the network tends to cancel shows I enjoy. The producers need to realize that they are using an outdated system of gauging the success of shows. Neilsen is far from being an accurate method of determining a show’s success. Please realize that there are several hundred different channels to watch now and that 8 million viewers is not bad. Besides, most people DVR shows… Read more »
I’ve been following the discussions on IMDB about Terra Nova…and people are ripping the show apart! And I got questions of my own. Why are all the settlements built near the fence, where danger always lurks, and not in the center of the compound away from nasty 6’ers and hungry “I’ll swallow you whole”-saurs? And why is everything situated in one quadrant only? If there are 10 generations through the portal there must be something like 1300 people there? My prediction is; Terra Nova will be cancelled if the writers don’t stop underestimating the viewers – and keep on ignoring… Read more »
I enjoy watching Terra Nova every Monday night. Please don’t cancel it, I hate having to go find something else to watch. I love the thrill of it, there’s actually nothing else that I want to watch on Monday>
this show should be saved I love watching it it is one that make my Monday night I no longer watch dancing with the stars. This give us more fun.
I think you should keep it because like most Tv shows it has to grow it wont just become famous. You guys are doing a good job advertising and should keep it going.
I love Terra Nova it’s fun and interesting. I’m not expecting it to be Avatar or J-Park, those are movies and this is a TV series. It’s something new they are LIVING with dinos not going to dino infested islands for a day or two. I love this show and its very refreshing I hope they keep it around..Even if they have to maybe take out some graphics to make the budget fit the ratings…Great show, only show I watch on Fox…Hopefully if it does have to be canceled by fox its picked up somewhere else like syfy..Great show love… Read more »