This evening, FOX released some new changes to their schedule that will take effect in the next couple weeks. One of the changes involves The Finder leaving the schedule. Will it be back, get a second season, or has the show actually been cancelled?
A spin-off of Bones, The Finder debuted on January 12th to a 1.7 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 5.5 million total viewers. It was in fourth place for the timeslot and lost 29% of the Bones lead-in audience. It was hardly a great start for the new show.
In week two, with powerhouse American Idol as a lead-in, The Finder drew a 2.2 in the demo with 6.58 million. While that was a nice improvement over the first week’s numbers, the show actually lost a whopping 61% of the lead-in’s demo.
In week three, The Finder rose to a 2.8 in the demo and 8.44 million, losing 49% of the lead-in’s demo. For the last three weeks, The Finder’s ratings have dropped lower each week. Last Thursday’s episode hit a 2.0 with 6.18 million, losing 56% of the Idol demo.
While each show is ultimately judged on its own ratings, FOX can not be pleased that Idol is delivering a huge number of viewers and more than half of them are making a conscious decision to turn the channel. It’s become clear, especially based on the most recent numbers, that The Finder would almost certainly tank without having a big lead-in. They’ve given the series the best possible lead-in they have and it just doesn’t measure up. Touch will take over the coveted spot once Finder is gone.
The Finder is set to leave the schedule in two weeks, on March 8th. At that point, there will be five unaired episodes remaining and FOX has noted that the show will return later in the season. While that may be true, it looks highly unlikely that the network will want to invest in a second season.
But, what do you think? Should The Finder be renewed for season two or should FOX just cancel it? Why do you think more people aren’t watching?
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Image courtesy FOX.
I’m so upset about this cancellation!!!! Bring it Back!!!!….. I am going to write tons of letters…. and I will bombarde everyone mail with annoyance! Who’s with me!?????
BTW on my last comment I meant to say it was *NOT ANNOUNCED much…..
I just started watching the Finder threw Netflix. I loved the series but just realized when I finished watching session 1 that it was cancelled! WTH!!??? I can’t believe they cancelled it. It didn’t get a lot of viewers because it was announced much. I never new about it or heard about until I came across it on Netflix. I’m sure if it has the appropriate marketing it would do great. I’ve watched bones 3 times and hated it. I don’t see how they can compare it to that show. The Finder is by far 100x’s better, funnier, interesting, ect….
I agree, without Leo it would be hard, as stated the other actors and actresses are still here. They could use Leo’s death as a tribute and not replace him. I also found this on NETFLIX. Maybe it could just be on Netflix, just like they did with Fuller House. Please bring it back.
I really loved the Finder. I would really like it to have a second season and even more. I would rank it number 3 in favorites over NCIS and Blue Bloods. The only ones I like better are Bones and Librarians.
Please bring The Finder.
I just discovered this show- and it’s one of the best I’ve seen in a long time! Why didn’t it get a better chance for people to discover this gem? YES!!!! A season two- at least! Bring it back!!!!!! No. They did NOT give it enough time to find an audience. A mis-guided judgement call by Fox- What a shame.
I loved this show, I just finished the first season again on Netflix and I’m extremely upset upset, this show should have another chance
Sick of American idol
Coveted spot?? How is being after American Idol a coveted spot? I don’t know about everyone else, but we would turn OFF the T.V after AI was over. In fact, we always just recorded it and watched it on DVR to be able to skip through all those commercials and babbling! If anything such a spot would be IGNORED. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone talking about the show that came on after American Idol or any of those singing shows. Ever. With such a ‘star’ what comes afterward is usually ignored or turned off anyway. Besides, the same… Read more »
I don’t even want to start watching new shows anymore because one season (or not even) and they cancel it. This was a great show with great characters and fantastic actors. They did not even give it enough time to find an audience.
I would like to see it return. It was a good show that had potential. Although the death of one of the beloved actors, it will certainly have a void. It always seems that a network takes off the good ones and leave the crappy stuff behind. There are very few good ones to watch now days. No wonder there is a ton of reality shows; the majority of the time they are more interesting to watch then the prime time show.
just watched Finder on Netflix and LOVED it
I loved the show. I liked that it wasn’t one big long soap opera that you have to keep up with week after week. It was intersesting, funny, with a bit of romance, and not gory like Bones. It was relaxed entertainment and it made sense.
the finder lost people because you kept changing the time slots hard to watch when you have to search for it the people programing don`t have a clue