It’s no secret that The Game is on some very thin ice right now. It’s been pulling low ratings in its Friday night timeslot and by all accounts, the CW network is getting out of the sitcom business. With just 66 episodes, it looks unlikely that the series would have much future in syndication either.
If you’d like the sitcom to continue, there are a few things you can do to support it.
Watch The Game “live” on Friday nights. Encourage your friends and family to do the same — one might secretly be a Nielsen household. Viewers are the most important thing to the network because, with more viewers, they’re able to charge more for their advertising.
Sign the petition below. Pass the word around and encourage others to do the same.
Write to the network, either by email or, preferably by regular mail (Ms. Dawn Ostroff, President of The CW, 3300 W. Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA 91505, RE: The Game). Be courteous and polite. Tell them why you love the show and would like to see it continue. Mention the products that you see advertised during the show and which ones that you like to buy.
If you’re really industrious, do some research and write to the advertisers directly. Tell them that you appreciate their help in making The Game possible.
But hurry, time is running out.
To: The CW network, CBS Paramount Network Television, Grammnet Productions, and Happy Camper Productions:
We, the undersigned, have greatly enjoyed watching The Game TV show on The CW network. It’s a very entertaining show that’s both funny and emotionally touching at the same time. It is truly unique and fills a very important need in primetime.
We encourage you to find a way to keep The Game on the air for another season. We are devoted viewers who will continue to watch the program, encourage others to do the same, and will support the advertisers as well. Please keep The Game on the air, either on The CW or on another channel.
Thank you for your consideration.
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Image courtesy CW.
[…] there is still a possibility that we can save The Game. Please sign up and share your thoughts on this link and join the petition against cancelling this great […]