As you may have already heard, Zero Hour has been cancelled by ABC after only three episodes. The news doesn’t come as a surprise as the debut represented ABC’s worst scripted premiere in the history of their regular seasons. The numbers for episodes two and three were even worse.
Still, there were at least five million or so people who made a point of watching Zero Hour each week. They’re understandably upset about the cancellation news — as are members of the cast.
Addison Timlin (Rachel): “The end of zerohour brings me great sadness, but every ending is a new beginning and that is always laced with hope. Thank you all, truly.” “What to the world was just 3 episodes was a whole year for us. Truly an honor to know, work with and love you, to everyone on the team. Xo”
Jacinda Barrett (Laila): agreed with Timlin’s second statement and added, “couldn’t have said it better. Xxxx”
Carmen Ejogo (Beck): “In a NY minute everything can change In a NY minute things can get a little strange” “#nomorezerohour I guess that means I can start watching American Idol again. #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife” “I believe process is often more important than outcome. I had the BEST time making @ZeroHour_ABC with everyone all year, so #noregretsbaby”
Scott Michael Foster (Aaron): “I absolutely loved #ZeroHour and everyone who worked on it. Will miss filming one of the coolest and enjoyable shows I’ve been on.” “To all my wonderful twitter followers, you make the hard part of this job so much easier with your kind words and support. Thank you.”
What do you think? What was your reaction to Zero Hour being cancelled? What did you think of the work of the show’s cast and crew?
I want the zero hour to come back on. you people left us wondering what happen and if Hank get his Laila back. what did hanks parents know. question I will never know unless they people the show back on or another channel picks zero hour up.
Say it isn’t soooooo…….I think it was cancelled because of the Rosacrucian implication. Somebody out there was not too happy about their secrets being revealed?? Will a cable channel pick it up? All my family was watching it!!!! Signed Conspiracy Theory
I LOVED this show and cannot believe that they cancelled it as well… Everything is freaking reality tv anymore and I just don’t wanna watch that CRAP… and CRAP is what it is… You who sit and watch all that reality stuff need to get out and have some of your own reality then you would rather watch fantasy on TV for entertainment instead of a life… Good grief what have we become… The last thing I want to sit down to enjoy is someone else’s reality… good grief
I am truly disappointed. I do hope network executives are LISTENING to these voices. ZERO HOUR was (IS) a show that had it’s viewers THINKING about the plot! Mindless reality shows will REPLACE this show? Initially with reruns of Shark Tank and very soon possibly Wipeout? Seriously??? As I said, disappointed. At the very least the network should honor the hard work of these cast members and their crew by airing all episodes created. Even better, I hope you will respectfully release the episodes on Demand, to Netflix or DVD so that the work put into ZERO HOUR can fulfill… Read more »
Does the show’s theme has anything to do the cancellation?
I was really looking foward to this show. Although my daily schedule didnt let me see the show until it is ON Demand, i really liked the show and the cast was entertaining. I was really into the story idea and all of a sudden the 4th episode didnt air! and i had to go online to see it was cancelled..WHY ABC??? i think the exec’s at ABC should bring it back or the show should get picked up by another network..
This was one of the few shows we were able to watch as a family. ABC you were wrong again
Really… Really??? Maybe had ABC spent some time on promoting this show people would have known to watch it. i saw a brief promo ONCE and thought it looked interesting so I PRV’rd it. None of my many friends had even head of it… DON’T PUNISH THE PEOPLE WHO LOVED IT FOR YOUR LACK OF PROMOTION, THIS WAS AN AMAZING SHOW! My condolences to the great cast.
Why don’t they keep any of the good stuff on TV. Guess I will go back to watching Hulu and things like that. Regular TV programing is not worth watching anymore.
u can say that again… I have a really hard time watching anything on TV anymore and ABC CBS And NBC were the ones I always went to first now they are the last full of that reality tv crap… they do never leave the good stuff on and replace it with things I would never watch no matter how desperate…thx
They never leave any that is good on TV
Zero Hour was the best new show on ABC. I wish reality TV was a thing of the past. We need a show like this to challenge our minds not numb our minds with another reality show. ABC has already ruined the afternoons when they took off nearly all of the soaps. ABC needs to have a reality check, no more stupid shows.
I am furious it was canceled no wonder I couldn’t find it on the scheduleand I merican idol this year just keeps getting worse and worse I don’t even watch it anymore you people don’t know what the hell you’re doing everything is based are ratings is ridiculousso be it back to CBS.
Bring it back! Show all the work that went into making this GREAT Story!
This is some bull… This show is awesome. After not seeing it at the scheduled time or on my dvr, I decided to search the web to see what’s going on. I’m so pissed. Of course, this is cause people can’t deal with twists and mixtures of church and Nazis. I’m so disappointed with you ABC. We could’ve at least saw the one season! This crap is like closing the book before finishing the first chapter.
To bad. It was a good show. I hope that another network will pick it up.
ABC has cancelled too many good shows. TV program “The Last Resort”.