Blindspot TV show on NBC (canceled or renewed?)
Blindspot is getting ready for its big return to NBC at the end of the month, and the network is teasing the return with a new preview and show art.
When the winter finale ended, fans learned another big piece of the mystery behind Jane and her tattoos. She learned that it was her own plan that put her in the predicament she is in.
There is still a lot more to the mystery though. Fans will see some more development between Jane and Weller when the series returns as well.
Executive producer of the series, Martin Gero, teased to Entertainment Weekly that the rest of the team will not learn that the two kissed right away. However, Weller’s feelings for Jane will continue to be an issue as the season continues.
There has already been a second season renewal for this series, so fans will learn more about Jane for the foreseeable future.
Check out the latest preview for Blindspot below. Are you excited for the return of this series? Tell us what you think.
REALLY clever premise ….. puzzle within a mystery within a conundrum, wrapped in an enigmatic riddle, cloaked in the kaleidoscopic mobius strip of what may be a time-warped hallucination … or not. Whatever it is, kudos to all involved and, wow, love the credits and all else. I WOULD prefer that the smarmy villains come to more fitting ends, however. Michael Gaston: (Thomas Carter) richly deserved a righteous comeuppance and put down, not just being summarily shot to death. And that most recent one (the mousy keeper of order or whatever that was, Chief Inspector Jonas Fischer) really needed to… Read more »
I like the how. Would like to see th return before February.
I really like the show. I would like to see it return before February
I really enjoy this show. The premise is original and the craziness we live with our new administration makes it thoroughly believeable.
This used to be a favourite show of mine, but the new “shaky camera” style they are using forced me to cancel all recordings, I get too nauseous watching it. I recall similar in the Bourne conspiracy movies, a couple of them I found unwatchable for the same reason. It’s too bad because I really liked Blindspot
It’s an intriguing, in the edge of your seat show. One of the best we’ve ever been hooked on. Keep more coming!!
moved on to other things, may catch it as reruns later
Yes can’t wait awesome show
I hope they got rid of the shaky cam. I really liked the show, but couldn’t watch because it made me nauseous. It’s one thing to use it occasionally, but this show overused it. It’s the only show that ever made me physically ill to watch. I’ve read the episode summaries and will check back after the break.
Can’t wait when the series returns February 29th. One of the best new shows this season.
great show, keep it coming
Fantastic show. Love it!
Really looking forward to the return of this terrific show.