ABC is happy about their ratings for last night’s shows. hat they don’t mention is the fact that they continue to get thrashed in 8pm hour where they air a repeat of Grey’s Anatomy. The rerun landed the network in a distant fifth place for the timeslot, behind even The CW. It’s hard to figure out why the alphabet network doesn’t put The Whole Truth into that spot. Could it do worse?
Here’s the press release from the network about the original episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice.
ABC’s “Private Practice” Wins at 10pm in A18-34/A18-49 for the 2nd Straight Week
Early info on ABC’s Thursday, ahead of the regular press release.
ABC took second place on Thursday in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49, while finishing No. 1 on the night for the 8th straight week among Women 18-34 and Women 18-49.
Surging on its lead-in (+178% in Viewers/+300% in Adults 18-49), ABC self-starter Grey’s Anatomy led Thursday’s 9 o’clock hour in Adults 18-49, qualifying as the #1 series in the time period for the 8th consecutive week. In its time period, Grey’s outperformed second-place NBC’s comedies (The Office/Outsourced) by +21%, third-place CBS’ CSI by +43% and fourth-place Fox’s Fringe by +122%.
At 10pm, ABC’s Private Practice led its time-slot in Adults 18-49 and Adults 18-34 for the 2nd week in a row. In addition, the show attracted the program’s second-largest audience since its season premiere, behind only the prior week’s season-high telecast.
Quick Take for Thursday, November 11, 2010 (Fast Affiliate Live + Same Day Ratings)
ABC is No. 1 on Thursday Among Key Women for the 8th Consecutive Week
“Grey’s Anatomy” Dominates the 9pm Hour in Adults 18-49, Standing as the No. 1 TV Series in its Time Period for the 8th Straight Week
“Private Practice” is No. 1 at 10pm in Adults 18-49 and Adults 18-34 for the 2nd Week in a Row, While Attracting its 2nd-Largest Audience Since its Premiere
Thursday Night (8:00-11:00 p.m.)
ABC took second place on Thursday in Total Viewers (7.8 million) and Adults 18-49 (2.7/7), while finishing No. 1 on the night for the 8th straight week among Women 18-34 and Women 18-49.“Grey’s Anatomy” (9:00-10:00 p.m.)
Surging on its lead-in (+178% in Viewers/+300% in Adults 18-49), ABC self-starter “Grey’s Anatomy” led Thursday’s 9 o’clock hour in Adults 18-49 (4.0/10), qualifying as the No. 1 series in the time period for the 8th consecutive week. In its time period, “Grey’s” outperformed second-place NBC’s comedies (“The Office”/”Outsourced”) by +21% (3.3/9), third-place CBS’ “CSI” by +43% (2.8/7) and fourth-place Fox’s “Fringe” by +122% (1.8/5).“Private Practice” (10:00-11:00 p.m.)
At 10:00 p.m., ABC’s “Private Practice” led its time-slot in Adults 18-49 (2.9/8) and Adults 18-34 (2.6/8) for the 2nd week in a row. In addition, the show attracted the program’s second-largest audience (8.3 million) since its season premiere, behind only the prior week’s season-high telecast.A note about increasing DVR penetration and year-to-year rating comparisons: Year-to-year rating comparisons based on the Live + Same Day data stream are distorted by the level of DVR penetration in the Nielsen sample, which has jumped up to 38% currently, from 33% at the same point in 2009. More viewers are watching shows on their own timetables, which may not be reflected in the overnight next day numbers. The only truly valid year-to-year comparison would be one based on the Live + 7 Day metric, once those stats are released by Nielsen.
Source: The Nielsen Company (Fast Affiliate, Live + Same Day Ratings), 11/11/10.
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I love both Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice, they are smart and complex shows with good writers. (good actors too)
I am still sorry they killed of Meridith’s mother. – I think they should bring her back as the dead mother’s twin sister/Meridith’s Aunt, so we can once again enjoy that sharp tongue of hers.
I am a big fan of ensemble shows, the single hero shows just annoys me,