The Bachelor in Paradise TV show has been renewed for a fourth season on ABC. Bachelor in Paradise: After Paradise co-host Michelle Collins, late of The View, announced the news during the After Paradise season finale.
Collins, who co-hosts the after show with Sean Lowe, asked the Bachelor in Paradise cast and after show guests, who they want to see in Bachelor in Paradise, season four on ABC: Chase, Olivia, Vinny, or The Twins? Nikki Glaser chose Ben Higgins, but would also like to see The Twins.
Lowe would like to see Olivia Caridi from Ben’s season of The Bachelor. Amanda Stanton and Josh Murray couldn’t say. Collins reports 32% of viewers want to see Vinny Ventiera in some sort of redemption arc.
What do you think? Did you watch the third season of the Bachelor in Paradise TV series? Do you plan to watch the fourth season on ABC? Tell us!
garbage. Hope how soon this whole genre tanx.
I Don’t understand why this trash is still on.