Network: NBC
Episodes: Six (half-hour)
Seasons: One
TV show dates: March 21, 2012 — April 4, 2012
Series status: Cancelled
Performers include: David Walton, Amanda Peet, Joey King, Margo Harshman, Jeffrey Tambor, J.B. Smoove, Jesse Plemons, and Pasha D. Lychnikoff.
TV show description:
Pete (David Walton) is a womanizing, surfer dude and contractor. Alex (Amanda Peet) is his client; a beautiful and high-strung lawyer. They couldn’t be more different. The pair work together to remodel each other’s lives, as they also renovate her Venice, California home.
Alex is recently divorced, following her husband’s incarceration for insider trading. As a result she’s raising her 10-year-old daughter, Charlie (Joey King), as a single mom. Adding to the charm of Alex’s family life is her wild younger sister, Screwsie (Margo Harshman). Unfortunately for Alex, Screwsie seems to be cut from the same reckless cloth as Pete.
Unwilling to let anything get in her way, Alex downsizes their lives and move into a smaller house. She hires the charismatic Pete, a free-spirited ladies man and recovering gambling addict. He desperately needs this job to jumpstart his life and prove that he is no longer a screw-up. Pete’s home life includes his narcissistic, live-in father, Walt (Jeffrey Tambor), a perpetually unemployed actor who still wants to get back in the game.
After hiring Pete, Alex quickly realizes that she’s met her match. Along with his motley construction crew (J.B. Smoove, Jesse Plemons, and Pasha D. Lychnikoff), Pete not only tears apart Alex’s kitchen, but also transforms her worldview in the process.
Episode 6 — Tile Date
Alex walks into an amazing-looking kitchen and is so overcome with emotion she invites Pete to kiss her on the countertop… And then Alex wakes up. It was all a dream. Later, Alex tells Screwsie she had this crazy sex dream. Screwsie says the only thing crazy about her sex dream is there’s no sex in it. Screwsie believes that since Pete’s put Alex in the “friend box,” she’s now the one looking for something more.
Alex’s neighbor decides to sue Pete for the disruption he’s caused in the neighborhood and to his property. Pete opens up the mediation process by flirting with the mediator and admitting it’s not the first time he’s been there. After the neighbor shows video evidence of Pete and his crews’ shenanigans, Alex admits her contractor is immature and juvenile, but she doesn’t see how he was in violation of his building permit. The mediator agrees and closes the case, asking only for Pete to pay for a broken sprinkler and to promise to keep it down.
Walt is rehearsing in a theater for his new self-penned, two-man play, “The Fisher Brothers.” The construction crew is helping to build the set while Screwsie assembles her catering menu for opening night. Whenever Walt or his acting partner forgets a line, new guy Gary is always able to recite it. Meanwhile, during Ben and Alex’s dinner date, Ben tells Alex he loves her. The next day Alex confides to Screwsie she only replied with “I love that you love me.” Eww, that’s not in the jewelry commercial.
On opening night, Ben tells Alex he loves her again, and again Alex can’t say it back. Ben claims he’s only saying it because he feels it and doesn’t need to hear it back. Charlie is working as an usher and informs them the show is three hours and seven minutes long with no intermission. Ben thinks that can’t be right. Pete brings the mediator, Natasha, as his date to the play, and Alex is instantly jealous… Especially after finding out Pete’s already slept with her.
Pete checks on Walt backstage and finds his father a mess. His acting partner quit due to Walt’s grandstanding, and now everything’s ruined. Pete encourages Walt; the show must go on. Walt agrees and decides to use new guy Gary’s memorization of the show to his advantage. As Walt and Gary go through their lines onstage, parts of the set the crew built fall to pieces. The duo trudges through the script as Clem beams, “I love live theater.”
Alex and Pete and their dates go out for drinks after the show. While waiting at the bar, Pete mentions to Ben that he heard how Ben dropped the “L” bomb. Pete asks, “Super awkward?” “Almost unbearable.” Pete is trying to leave with Natasha for another night of coupling when Alex abruptly makes excuses to continue hanging out, like playing the arcade basketball game together. Alex goes so far as to trash talk Natasha once Alex scores a game high of 48 points.
Pete talks to Alex outside to see what’s going on. He’s tired of her being all over the place. First Alex kept sending him away, and now she won’t let Pete go. Pete asks Alex to tell him once and for all what she wants. After a pause, Alex responds she wants Pete to be her contractor. Back at home, Alex kisses Charlie goodnight and notices Charlie’s computer screensaver. It’s a slideshow of photos since they moved into this house, and most of them include happy pictures with Pete, his dad and his crew.
The next day, Alex and Pete meet to discuss tile at the home showroom store. Alex walks into the kitchen area, and it completely matches the room from her dream. Pete mentions he’s shown this picture to her five times in the catalog, and it’s his favorite design. Alex takes it all in, sits on the counter as she did in the dream and motions to Pete to come closer.
First aired: April 4, 2012. Synopsis courtesy NBC.
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So loved this show!! Miss it!! I was hooked!!
They need to bring it back and give it a chance!
I think Amanda Peet should go back making movies with her bff/bf John Cusack.
I hate that they canceled this show. It is so good! Excellent writing and actors. Finely a witty comedy with a little romance and now they are canceling it. No No No… come back!
[…] Bent (NBC) Execs contended that they weren’t burning through the six episodes when they aired them in three weeks. Regardless, the sitcom won’t be back for a second season. […]
I really liked this show. the lines and cast are very good. its a little different than the traditional show too.
This show is pretty solid. Would hate to see it go.
I love this show, I hope they haven’t cancelled it. it is so funny. Thanks NBC for almost no advertising, I learned about it by chance turning the channels. Wish more people knew about it.
I have never done anything like this before, but I really feel that this show could go places. I think it should totally be renewed. It even has Pasha D. Lychnikoff who is an underrated actor.
I hope this show isn’t cancelled, this is by far my favorite comedy in quite some time.
Bent had little to no advertising…can’t expect people to turn in to a great show if they don’t know it is there. Give Bent a chance to shine!
Give this great show a chance. I really like it. Whitney is good too.
I agree. This show is hilarious. As is Whitney
Hopefully NBC will take all the Positive Critics reviews and give season 2 sampling. Just like they did for Parks and Rec.
Bent was way better than Chelsea, Whitney, Rob.