A&E has cancelled their crime drama, Breakout Kings after two seasons and 23 episodes. It seems this case is closed.
Breakout Kings follows a squad of U.S. Marshals who make special deals with prisoners to catch escaped convicts. The cast includes Laz Alonso, Domenick Lombardozzi, Brooke Nevin, Malcolm Goodwin, Serinda Swan, and Jimmi Simpson.
The series debuted in March 2011 to a 1.2 rating in the demo with 2.8 million viewers. The ratings declined in later weeks and the first season finale drew a 0.8 rating with 2.01 million.
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In March 2012, the second season debuted with a 0.8 rating with 2.11 million. In that episode, many viewers were shocked to see Alonso’s lead character Charlie abruptly killed off. Alonso later told fans that leaving the show was not his idea.
Over the course of season two, the ratings for Breakout Kings further declined, hitting a low of a 0.5 rating with 1.27 million. The finale aired last month and A&E has decided they don’t want a third season.
Of the cancellation, Malcolm Goodwin (Shea on the series) tweeted, “So Breakout Kings is canceled. Thx to all 4 the luv & support over the last 2 seasons! It’s been a fun experience! Much luv! On to the next.”
The news comes soon after co-creator Matt Olmstead was signed to run NBC’s new fireman drama, Chicago Fire.
What do you think? Are you sorry that Breakout Kings won’t be back for a third season? Did Alonso leaving the series influence your watching the series?
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Image courtesy A&E.
This is a total outrage i was in love with this show .
1. Bad idea killing Charlie
2. Bad idea to let the end be a stupid cliffhanger with no conclusion
3. Really BAD idea to end the show entirely.
I loved breakout kings it’s a shame that it was cancelled.
Hold up wait a minute how in the h*** are you going to cancel one of the best shows I’ve ever seen? Me and my wife loved it we just fiished both seasons in two days. please make a season three
Just finished both seasons and me and my girlfriend were hooked. I can’t believe that they decided to leave the ending like that. If I was to take a guess and filling the void I’d say the black I snitched please make a season three so me and my girlfriend can stop fighting about what actually happened in the interrogation room. Even if there was only 1.28 million viewers I was one of them and I would love for a season three why waste all your time. Why would you make two seasons and leave it off like that.
There needs to be a season 3!! It can’t end like that. If there’s not a season 3 they should at least make a few more episodes to finish it off! By far one or the best TV programmes I’ve watched on netflix.
Cn’t believe there isn’t a season three. I watched all the episodes on Netflix and loved the show. Even my son was sucked in. Can’t believe it ended like they. They wouldn’t have given up Ray- it must continue…..
Breakout king is by far the best crime show i have ever Seen! My fiance and i just finished season 2 and Are very upset there is no season 3! We recommened This show to everyone we know and they love it too. So im so confused onto how it got low ratings. Alot of people are very disappointed that there is No season 3! You can not leave it off like that. Orange is the New black got low ratings at first and thats why it Was put onto netflix and not tv. Look at it now everyones Watching… Read more »
Really I just finish the two season on netflix . That s really not a good ending. Even if A&E has cancelled their crime drama, I think they would have to do a ending. Just a last and final episode for fans. This serial was a lot better than some on tv.
A French guy.
Really should finish off what you started. Just watch 2 seasons on netflix to find out that there is no 3rd season. They should make season 3 for Netflix!
I think breakout kings is ****, better than most of those dumb shows that be airing, like weeds, chicogo fire, and that stupid intervetion show, besides there are som things that still need tobe answered, and if you going to cancel a show cancel it with s better ending than that and cancel those other dumb as show not he good one.
Just watched the last episode… I can not continue with life without knowing what the cons said in that interrogation room!! I need to see llyod and julianne get together i need the cns to do their time and all get free in the end and if there is any possibility charlie can come vack from the dead that would be great too… If you cant make another series at least a one off 2 hour special final episode so we can all get some closure… We need closure… Llyod would agree….
I am soo mad! I LOVE breakout kings ! I HAVE to know what happens! Do they tell the Marshall the truth about they physco path ?? Or do they say it was an accident ?! Does Loyd and Andrea ever hook up ? Please let me know
or make a 3rd season
I just finished watching the 2nd season. Wow I love this shoe, I could easily watch 3 episodes a night. I love the characters and the plot. And I was so so curious whether the team would accept the offer from the big chief or not…..
Bring it back please!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the best shows with a great plot and unique characters. Please bring it back!