As you may know, Commander in Chief starred Geena Davis as female President Mackenzie Allen. The series started off strong in the ratings but was then plagued by production issues which resulted in declining viewership.
Soonafter ABC announced the cancellation of the struggling freshman series, word came out that Chief and the show’s characters may return in the form of a made-for-tv movie. ABC chief Steve McPherson was reportedly in talks with seriescreator Rod Lurie and hoped that a decision would be reached over the summer. Well, it looks like we won’t have to wait that long.
In an appearance last night on ABC’s late-night talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live, guest Geena Davis announced that there would indeed be a two-hour movie. She didn’t offer any further details but fans of the White House drama are elated.
The actress was on the show promoting the upcoming Commander in Chief season one release on DVD. Davis joked that she refused to step down out of office, has been storing the White House sets in her garage and has been filming scenes for Chief just in case. Who says that politics can’t be funny?
Finally a decent TV program without borderline cursing and “acceptable” nudity with morals as well as few legal lessons.
What’s wrong with this, when something like this gets cancelled and shows like the bad girls club find a home on TV? Seriously, it’s obvious big TV prefers their woman drunk, topless and fighting rather than educated and in charge. Nice to see a professional mom handling her business as opposed to being broke and trying to figure out the “baby daddy is….”
Are you kidding me. I just watched all 18 episodes…this was a fantastic program. Excellent in every way! Geena Davis was amazing. Donald Southerland fabulous! Cancellation of this proves to me and apparently many others that
The decision makers are more I treated in making junk that is unfit for “family” viewing…RESURRECT THIS PROGRAM…STUPID MOVE CANCELLING
oo!! please,!! what have you done this time let’s find out what would happen next, by the
way about Geen Davis she is my dream lady because she has the courage I think she should vine for US president because all her ideals are good to be president keep it up. this is Sebe Kofi
from Ghana.“
lucky for me i can watctth on line. come on abc im aloyal viewer put it back on please you wont regret it i promise you
ah what a great show abc made a mistake thats all i think there has to be some reconsideration on there behalf i believe in abc they will do the right thing and rebroadcast commander chief. come on never found out how she did in the election.
It’s been 4 years since the show ended and I had been secretly hoping that we might see a revival of the series concurrent with the last Presidential Election Campaign. Alas, that didn’t happen, and now I fear that there is no hope of this show ever returning to the airwaves. Geena Davis was a very strong character and I was kinda shocked that the series ended the way it did, with President Allen firing her campaign consultant. We have no idea how she fared in the election! Did that made for TV movie ever come out? I have searched… Read more »
@Karl: No, it was never made.
Movie or not, I say give us another season at the very least !
They say their talking about a movie but come on I love the show I have the dvd’s I say if the movie goes well they should for sure see about bringing the show back maybe thru a different network like nbc or cbs they would do better with show like than abc most of their shows have canceled within the first couple of seasons with exception of handful and it is because when ratings drop they automatically pull plug with out offering a chance to recover they swap this show u never knew when most of the time so… Read more »
I agree with all those people who have expressed amazement that
Commander In Chief was cancelled.It was a terrific series.It was so damn good.What is wrong with the people who cancelled this super show?For goodness sake get this show back in production-Waken up!
PLZZZZZZZZZ bring back Commander in Chief! So many fans are still out there wanting more of it. What the hell were you thinking ABC to cancel such an awesome show!!! What happened?-POTUS interruptus!!?
I love this series and want to see more of it. It has so much potential. It is concurrently entertaining and educational. Plus if you have never toured the capital — you get a tour while sitting in front of your TV at home. Please tell the folks that canceled this show that there are a lot of people that miss it and wqnt it back. Keep us informed on any related subsequent movies etc.
watched all 18 episodes on Fox Life (Russia). great series and i’m very disappointed that it was canceled. i have watched quite a few “1 and done” shows on Fox Life and dont have any clue why all the series were not renewed. my only guess is there are too many new shows and they cant find an audience. also scheduling in the states is ridiculous. they keep moving shows around and too many breaks between episodes. i like when they come to Fox Life as the shows have a consistent schedule.
the best show I have seen since the west wing!
I has sooooooo much potential,Geena was perfect in it.
who are the idiots that cancelled this show ?
This is a great TV series, please~~~ give me second season,
bring back oh bring back oh bring back commander in cheif to me to me