Copper has been cancelled but Sunday’s series finale may not be the end for the characters. Deadline reports that executive producers Barry Levinson, Tom Kelly and Tom Fontana (also the co-creator) are considering a movie version.
Fontana has apparently worked out an extensive story arc for season three and may rework that into a movie script. It would supposedly look at life in America following Lincoln’s assasination and the Reconstruction years that followed.
Will Rokos and Fontana created Copper which premiered in August 2012 to 1.1 million viewers. That was a record-setting audience for BBC America and the period drama was renewed in October. Unfortunately, the numbers weren’t as strong in season two so the show was cancelled.
What do you think? Would you like to see a Copper movie? Do you think it will actually happen?
Copper was a very interesting and entertaining show about the Civil War years
I was disappointed when it was cancelled. If you are going to make a movie out of it
You will have all of us watching very intensely and with great pleasure!
We just found the series on Netflix and couldn’t stop watching it. It was fantastic! Can’t believe it was cancelled. We most certainly need a movie to find out what happens to Kevin! More shows like this should be renewed instead of all that stupid stuff they show.
My husband and I both thought the show, “Copper,” was terrific. Good scripts and great acting. I hope that either BBC or some other network will pick it up.
please renew Copper! just decided to watch it on Netflix. I’M hooked. Great acting. Can’t believe it would not be renewed.
please bring this show back! like many people i just discovered it on netflix and i’m hooked! it’s such a good show!
Yes, please make it as a movie. What happened to Ava? Two dead hookers in barrels
in the bar, did she have her baby, where did she go? Billy Baldwin was great, as was
every actor/actress on this tv series, just bring back a movie to it or keep going as
a series!
Please renew season three. There is at least another season of stories to be told. This was BBC’s best projects in years.
Please renew show it was so great!!!!! A movie is good but not like having another season.
so right
Being an infrequent television watcher I just discovered Copper (my daughter turned me on to it); watched both seasons… Loved all the episodes – truly one of the few fascinating shows from tv land. Thusly, I goggle the show to find out when the new season begins and to my disbelief find it has been cancelled! What a bone headed decision! I see it had been cancelled last September, I am surprised no other network picked it up. Is there any hope left of BBC renewing the series? I tired of watching television because of all the inane programing especially… Read more »
Every time You have a great show on, you cancel it I really liked this series. Why do you have to cancel it without at least winding it down instead of leaving it hanging. You did this with Leverage hich was one of my favorites, too.
YES! Movie asap please please.
I hate when good series end and that we are left on cliff hangers comme on atleast the network should give us the movie we deserve .
ARE YOU KIDDING ME…? Finally good TV and it gets cansiled WTF
I would love a movie of Copper. In the meantime I’m looking for my own copies of the tv series.
I loved Copper right from the start. It was a “period piece” that took
us back in time to early New York. I learned so much about the history. It was
fascinating. The characters were fully developed, the scenery was so detailed and realistic, we were there. Yes, do a movie and make all of us very happy.
I never found it boring and I would most certainly wait on baited breath for a film version written and created by the award winning team of Levinson and Fontana. The characters were well written and the actors fleshed out the characters with multi-faceted performances. Flawed characters make for some of the best storytelling. Bring it on.
Just face it. A great series like Copper gets cancelled, so it can be replaced by some stupid reality show. When will the execs get it. Leave the shows the fans like alone. Keep your stupid reality shows off of the air.
I know what you mean. The first year of Copper had great scripts, truly well-written and exciting. So it gets fine ratings. Then (I smell across-the-board indiscriminate budget squeezing) they get stuck with far less well written scripts–actors held their own, but it just got boring. And then (surprise!) without a commitment to excellence, the ratings drop, so the executives, having caused the problem, add to the stupidity by cancelling a show that had proved it could be excellent, thereby doing a disservice to their company in wasting the enormous initial investment and a disservice to their watchers who want… Read more »