The CW is the smallest television network and their TV shows draw far fewer viewers than the others. However, they still have to cancel and renew series. Will your favorites survive to see another season? Stay tuned.
CW shows this season (so far): The 100, America’s Next Top Model, Arrow, Beauty and the Beast, Cedric’s Barber Battle, Dates, The Flash, Hart of Dixie, iZombie, Jane the Virgin, Masters of Illusion, The Messengers, The Originals, Penn & Teller: Fool Us, Reign, Significant Mother, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Whose Line Is It Anyway?, and A Wicked Offer.
How does The CW decide what to cancel or renew? They look at a lot of different factors but the ratings play an important role. The higher the ratings, the better chance a show has of surviving. Here’s how the network’s shows are doing so far:
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here and here.
A couple of notes about these charts:
These figures are updated automatically as new ratings are released. The averages are based on the final national numbers (live plus same day viewing), unless marked with an asterisk (*). For technical reasons, I have to resort them manually so feel free to let me know if I missed something.
Keep in mind that the demo numbers are typically what’s most important to advertisers. Therefore, that’s how the networks measure success. Advertisers pay more for ad time on a show that has a higher demo rating. Because older viewers don’t count? No, it’s because younger viewers watch less traditional TV and are therefore supposedly harder to reach.
Demo numbers are typically reported using the 10ths decimal place (2.4, for example). In the averages, I’m using an extra decimal for easier ranking. The networks take into account when shows air on Fridays or Saturday, nights when TV viewership is lower.
What do you think? Which shows are you rooting for? Which one isn’t as big a hit as you thought? Are you hoping any series will get cancelled to make room for something else?
Reign is the number 1 show of all the shows
Renew hart of Dixie!!! And take off Jane the virgin!!!
Fixed it for you: Renew Jane The Virgin!!! And take off Heart Of Dixie!!!
HOD is a fun quirky show ratings are steady and have increased (people discovering show on netflix, hulu, etc.) while other shows are declining.
Are the HOD numbers exact or rounded up/down?
The demo numbers are rounded to the standard 10ths place. I prefer to use the 100ths place but haven’t been able to find them for Friday shows. The M-Th shows are not rounded.
Please do not cancel Hart of Dixie
MORE REIGN!!!!!!!!!!
reign is my favorite show!!!
I love Reign I hope it gets renewed in fact I would love for it to never end. The CW is my favorite network hands down what with Reign, Hart of Dixie, ANTM. I really wish they would pick up Dallas there was so much left there to finish and such a fan base.
Reign was renewed for season three in Jan
I love the CW and I hope they continue to show Sleepy Hollow, The Originals, Hart of Dixie, The Vampire Diaries, Reign, Supernatural, Beauty and the Beast. Is I miss an episode I usually got to the CW website and watch online. I miss seeing some of the shows (Nikita) from the past and if my shows get cancelled and am going to stop watch CW all together.
Bring back Nikita!
Hoping Hart of Dixie gets renewed!!
Cancelled hart of dixie bring back ringer.
I agree ringer is the best i was upset when it ended the series
Ringer ended their season because last step temper to mediocre raitings at 2.8 million but slipped down to 1.2 in the finale
i wasn’t a Siobhan fan I didn’t like her because she lied to her husband because she faked her death I am a Bridget fan well ringer got started in the beginning with a bad guy and towards the end he’s gone and that means it end the series
I kinda loved the Ringer they just left it to late to really start the storyline, but i´d watch season 2
Love Hart of Dixie; hope it is picked up!
Me too! Such a great show!!
I LOVE the CW network, as many (almost all) of my favorite shows are on it. In order, I enjoy 1. Arrow, 2. The 100, 3 Reign, 4 Flash, and 5. Supernatural.
More seasons of Reign!
Lol. I never could get into Jane the virgin. Usually it would be the type of show I would watch, but it just did not interest me. I love hart of Dixie, I hope it gets picked up for another season!!