Last week, ABC pulled Happy Town from the schedule for the remainder of May sweeps period. Though things didn’t look good for the mystery TV show, the network didn’t officially cancel it. Now they have.
Happy Town follows the residents of a small town in Minnesota who are terrorized by a killing spree from the mysterious “Magic Man”. The cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
On April 28th, the show got off to a bad start with a disappointing 1.7 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 5.25 million viewers. For episode two, viewership took a nosedive to a 1.2 in the demo and 3.79 million viewers. ABC announced they were putting the TV series on hiatus and the third episode’s numbers dropped further still, to a 1.1 rating and 3.04 million viewers.
This week, ABC announced the new 2010-11 schedule and, not surprisingly, Happy Town wasn’t on it. The show has now been cancelled though the network still plans to run the remaining five episodes. They’ll start airing on June 2nd.
What do you think? Are you surprised that Happy Town has been cancelled? Will you still tune in to see the remaining episodes?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I dont understand why they would take this show off air! I am very angry with ABC. I very well enjoyed this show and it was very interesting. This show was very good and I am very upset /: screw you ABC
I am very disappointed! I really enjoed it and can’t wait to see the next episodes…but it will be bitter sweet since it wont be back next season.
I liked Happy Town and was very surprised to hear that it was cancelled. It’s not really fair to us that do like it.
I cannot believe it got cancelled. That makes me so sad because this was one of my new favorite shows and you cant just end a show that has endings like that, it leaves the viewers going crazy and anxious for the next episode. come on ABC this is ridiculous, at least finish out the season PLEASE!
This is just Absurd!!! What if the ratings are higher this upcoming– on June 2nd…can and will they put it back on. PLEASE!!!!! I loved it.
I really liked Happy Town. I think its ridiculous that they pulled it so soon, with only 3 episode how can you expect to build a connection with the show at all. I think Happy Town had a lot of potential and it was definitely different from what other shows have to offer. I definitely think they should of gave it a longer run to see how it did. But ABC always does this, just when you’re looking forward to a show or they start a new show, they decide after a few episodes that they want to end it.… Read more »
No surprise, got what it deserved. No one watched past the first episode because it was so awful. Absolutely some of the poorest writing and character presentation I’ve seen in some time. Add to that the aimless direction and generally dismal production overall. The otherwise competent cast, particularly one of my favorites, Amy Acker (the reason I tuned in at all), was completely wasted. At least they got a few paychecks. I’ll DVR the rest, so I can at least skip to what ever scenes Acker has left, while not wasting my time with the rest. Considering how much time… Read more »
I am very disappointed that Happy Town got canceled. Why bother airing the last few episodes? Good job ABC for not giving Happy Town a chance just like October Road and Men in Trees. Now I know why I don’t watch ABC because you get involved in watching these shows and then they get canceled.
Good bye ABC, as a matter of fact I should probably be saying good bye to NBC & CBS also I’ll stick to my cable stations, it’s probably what they wanted anyway , the public to stop watching them and move on to cable, OK you got your wish you bunch of dummies..
Just like so many other things in our society…too many people expect instant gratification. How many novels grab you in the first three pages? Sure some, but for most it takes longer. I am sorry Happy Town never got a chance. The cast was marvelous and it was really starting to get interesting.
I am dissapointed that Happy Town has been cancelled. Sienfeld did poorly in the ratings at first and became one of the most successful shows on TV. Give Happy Town a shot.
I’m tired of ABC creating shows and not giving them a full season. October Road is one of my all time favorites and I was excited to know that at least 4 of the actors could continue on Happy Town. I loved Harper’s Island and was really looking forward to Happy Town. I barely watch any ABC shows for primetime now because since the cancellation of October and Men in Trees (2 years ago), I try not to get invested in anything they air. Happy Town was my last attempt. Goodbye ABC primetime.
Why would they air the shows with all the season finales going on..and expect great doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out….
I think it is unfair to judge a show after such a short time. The debut timing was poor and after only 3 episodes the viewers haven’t been given a chance to become invested in the characters or story line,
I’m completely shocked that ‘Happy Town’ got cancelled. I looked forward to it’s premiere for weeks. I’m very upset to see it go and I’m sad to not be able to see how the story could’ve continued to unfold.