Happy Town revolves around a bunch of strange disappearances and murders in a small town. The large cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
After a disappointing premiere in the ratings, Happy Town was pulled off the airwaves for most of May sweeps. Before the show returned on June 2nd, ABC officially cancelled the TV show. Only eight episodes were filmed but at least answers to some of the TV show’s mysteries will be revealed by the end.
Unfortunately, ABC pulled the show off the air once again and left fans hanging as to when the final two episodes would air. Well, the network has released both episodes and you can watch them below.
What do you think? Are you in any way satisfied by these final two episodes?
Image courtesy ABC.
We didn’t even find out who the Magic Man was. I never knew they were even thinking of canceling it.
ABC spent all that money for hype to get everyone to watch Happy Town, and then, cancels it after a few episodes! Stupid. This was one of the best shows on TV for a long, long time. How disappointing to have it canceled!
still confused,the last 2 episodes online were interesting,but left with no answers.
And did I hear that they cancelled Flashforward like they did Eastwick and now happy town? ABC network obviously stands for Already Been Cancelled at this rate. How frustrating to fall in love with a show or series finally and then have it yanked without any kind of control at all?!
OK this is just insane. I spent the entire day having a marathon on HULU and the entire time I’m thinking, damn I can’t wait until Wednesday so I can see it aired live. And then I find out I am not going to get any kind of closer at all. I will never learn what the Blue Door movie was about, I will not learn how Alice is still alive I will not learn who the Magic Man is and why Mrs. Happi was so interested in Susan. What did the son see that decided to make him stay… Read more »
I just watched the last two episodes–I have so many questions. The show was really engrossing and different, excellent acting and had so much potential. ABC executives you are a bunch of morons.
I agree! What is ABC thinking??!! They did not give this show a chance. I absolutely love it, ABC execs just keep doing this kind of thing based on outdated, outmoded NIELSEN ratings. Bring it back!!! I don’t know of any other network besides ABC that drops a show as quick as they do. This is about the third series I have started to really enjoy and then “poof” it is gone before it ever gets going. BYE BYE ABC, I am so done.
No satisfaction here at all. ABC finally puts on a good show – pulls the plug without a word – leaves unsatisfied viewers to search the internet to find out what happened – to learn that the show had been canceled and the last 2 episodes were put online. For me, the last 2 were the best, but it left so many questions unanswered, it makes the Sopranos Finale look like the Cheers / Mary Tyler Moore finales. Well, assuming that’s it, that’s 8 hours of my life I can never get back. DAMN YOU, you stupid f’ing ABC executives… Read more »
Really got into this show. Can’t believe it was canceled just as it was starting to get really interesting. Bring it back! Now!
Is Alice the Magic Man?? Why cancel a show that finally gets really good and leave us just hanging there? I agree with other posters. What about Flash Forward too? Are you going to let us see an ending there or just cancel that also?
ABC should never have allowed this to be cancelled! I’ll admit, the first couple of episodes did start slowly, but this is a great series!! These last two episodes were truly amazing! I was blown away – the unanswerred questions it leaves could sustain it for the rest of a season one and a season two, if not more! With actors like Sam Neill, Francis Conroy, Steven Weber, Amy Acker, and Lauren German – you have a cast that has an overload of talent! I could see nominations at many awards ceremonies! Why is ABC so blind that they cannot… Read more »
Just saw the last two episodes…very frustrated, it felt like they were rehashed just to end the stories, but i was just left wondering why. I feel so sorry for all of the writers/actors and crew who put so much time , money and work into the show just to get it dropped like a hot brick, before the story could evolve naturally. I agree with Chris(3 july) A pox on ABC executives!
Answers some questions, but creates many new ones. A pox on ABC.
ABC NEVER should have cancelled this show, I love it! The last 2 episodes (especially the end of the last episode!) would have made excellent season finales, instead they made a terrible series finale, after 8 episodes? Just when it got so interesting with Alice? And Sam Neill and his British friend Xavier/ Det, state trooper guy? What are you execs thinking? STOP cancellation and keep this great and interesting show before the actors get jobs elsewhere and the cast can’t be put together again.
Seriously it’s very frustrating to know they canceled Happy town. Other shows they have on their network are so retarded, and they should have canceled the show before happy town.