Will Leverage be cancelled or renewed for a sixth season? TNT hasn’t announced anything about the show’s fate yet but executive producer Dean Devlin says that the season five finale can work as either a season or series finale.
In an open letter on LeverageFans.com, Devlin wrote:
As of the writing of this letter, we still do not know if there will be a season six of our show. Just as we didn’t know when we created the last three episodes which are about to air. Because of this uncertainty, John Rogers and I decided to end this season with the episode we had planned to make to end the series, way back when we shot the pilot. So, the episode that will air on Christmas is, in fact, the series finale we had always envisioned.
This is not to say we would not do a season six should we get the opportunity. Everyone involved with the show, from the cast, the crew, the writers and producers, would like nothing more than to continue telling these stories. But, in case we do not get that opportunity we felt that, creatively, after 77 episodes, we owed it to you, our fans, to end the show properly.
I sincerely hope you watch these last three episodes. They build to our conclusion. And the finale, I believe, is the most powerful episode we’ve ever done.
From all of us who make the show, thank you for watching, supporting and encouraging us. I’ve never experienced a fandom as intense, loyal and wonderful as you all.
Let’s go steal a series finale!
Dean Devlin
Executive Producer/Director LEVERAGE
This season’s ratings are down by about 8% when compared to last year’s — 2.64 million vs 2.88 million. That’s not too bad but the show is likely more expensive to produce than it used to be and TNT’s newer shows have pulled in much better numbers.
Major Crimes averaged 5.18 million, Perception averaged 4.24 million and Dallas brought in an average of 4.42 million. So, while Leverage isn’t doing much worse, it seems likely that TNT is raising its standards of success.
What do you think? Are you okay with Leverage being cancelled or would you like to see it come back for a sixth season?
love this show and will miss watching, but like that a true ending was provided.
Please bring Leverage back, It is exciting, without all the sex, language, blood and gut. a family can watch it. not many of those shows are on
NOOOOOO!!!!! *This is a top 5 for my family! TOPS the list for Most favoritest shows of ALL TIME!!!*
PLEASE DO NOT TAKE LEVERAGE AWAY FROM US!!! We are a loyal & dedicated family of 6, avid Leverage Loyal Lovers! WE WATCH & WATCH OUT FOR IT ALL THE TIME! ;( pretty please! Bring back our show!
We Miss everybody, especially Parker & Sophie, we Love us some Eliot & Hardison & of course our beloved Nathan
this show is great – talented actors and good ensemble cast – why do they always cancel the good casts and leave the reality shows.
This is a favorite show of mine. I will miss it.
The ensemble cast is brilliant.
I just love watching these gifted individuals come together and find themselves a family. They will be missed.
Hell no, a well acted and written enjoyable non reality (tv, reality? really) show that has good rating not the best but quality good ratings, oh I answered my own question as to why the are cancelling it, we need more slop that is unwatchable , one of the few quality made shows and they are gonna cancel it of course for something that will have the same ratings or worse in a year
I was shocked to see the show was cancelled!! Other family members enjoyed it also……I’d watch if it continued with the original cast of course….there are other networks!!
sad that it as two go there are show that are bad and are sitll on air big fan of this show love them all hope that maybe it would come back one more time
Leverage is a great show. The ensemble cast are all great actors and the stories are intelligent, thought-provoking and for once the ‘good guys’ win. It’s important to have something on TV that has a moral compass, but does not get too heavy-handed. I will really miss this show!
I love thus gang of thieves, hackers, grifters, .etc. This is a GREAT SHOW PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL. I’ll have nothing to watch.
I think they should bring it back. It is a great show.
Please Don’t Cancel this show. What about a name and small cast change. Do it just like The Closer with a name change to Major Crimes with a small cast change.
Leverage is one of the best shows on Tv. Acting is awesome, stories are interesting and fun. PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL THIS SHOW!!!!!!
I think that they should keep it on for at least one more season its a good show and they don’t know this could be the best season yet it also should be up to the fans if we think the show should end