One of the most anticipated new series of the 2008-09 season, Life on Mars got off to a solid start. Some called it the best new show of the year. Unfortunately, the ratings started to fall. While ABC has been somewhat supportive, they’ve kept the show off the air for two months and expect viewers to remember where the ongoing storyline left off.
Based on this strategy, it’s very likely that Mars’ ratings will continue to decline. If that happens, ABC execs will have little choice but to cancel the show. Should that happen or should Mars be given a better chance for survival?
If you’d like to see Mars continue, there are a few things you can do:
Tell your friends and family members to tune in and watch on ABC. If that’s not possible, encourage them to watch online. Maybe one of them is secretly a “Nielsen family” or knows one.
Write to ABC. Let the network know how you feel but, keep it civil. Everyone responds best to courtesy.
Sign the petition below and let the network execs know you’ve signed it. Spread the word and ask others to do the same. Visit for details on what other fans are doing.
Be sure to do it soon though, time is important.
To: 20th Century Fox Television, ABC Studios, Kudos Productions, Space Floor Television, and ABC
We, the undersigned, enjoy watching the Life on Mars TV show on ABC. The series is like a great police procedural but it also has an intriguing twist. The performances are excellent and the show has lots of heart.
Mars is truly an original show that ABC should be proud to have. If it is not attracting enough viewers, why not consider trying a different strategy? Please keep producing and airing this inventive show.
Thank you for your consideration.
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Image courtesy ABC.
[…] signatures already asking that the show be continued. If you would like to show your support- click HERE and sign the […]