In a piece for Variety, actor Jorge Garcia recounts his journey of filming Lost and some his favorite moments from the six year experience. If you’re a fan of the series, it’s certainly worth a read.
Here’s what Garcia has to say about tonight’s series finale.
At 5 a.m. on April 24, I became unemployed.
I just wrapped my six-season run on “Lost.” The job that went above and beyond anything I could have imagined was over.
My last day on “Lost” was also my longest: 20 hours. Without going into details, I can say the shoot was dangerous, physical and wet. But what could be more appropriate? How else could we end this epic show without an epic marathon night of shooting? At the end of it all we all remarked how we expected the end to be more emotional for us, but we were too tired to cry.
I’ll admit I got a little teary with Matthew Fox. I thanked him for everything he taught me, including taking me on his trip to Japan to see Green Day that first summer of shooting. At the time, flying at the last minute to a foreign country was way out of my comfort zone, but then again nothing on “Lost” was ever in my comfort zone.
I stuck around after even after I wrapped to see the martini shot of the entire show. I could feel director Jack Bender’s resistance to call “print” on that last take. In fact I’m pretty sure he asked for one more take to delay the inevitable.
I still don’t think the end of it all has hit me yet. Maybe I’ll feel it when the finale finally airs Sunday. Or maybe it will hit me when I board the plane at Honolulu Airport for the last time as a Hawaiian resident.
I have no clue what my next adventure is going to be, I just know this job is going to be a hard one to follow.
source: Variety.
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I just finished watching Lost and I’m in tears. I am a little unsatisfied with the ending but I’ll live. I’m just sad to say good bye to the show and the characters. Lost will always have a place in my heart.
The show has its up and down moments, but the good thing is it My favorite and best Television Series ever…. What captivated me the most is that it has several twists and hidden meanings, especially with reference to other religious beliefs and this mixed by flashbacks about ordinary and super-ordinary peoples’ lives, where a balance of good and bad can be found…. At particular stages of the series you would be frustrated and cursing one person for his actions, but praising and supporting him fully in another episode… Well done, a great job for this one…. I am not… Read more »
Great interview with Jorge. He has been one of my favorite charters of the show since the beginning. It’s really sad to see Lost go, I just hope Hurley makes it off the island alive. However he may just be the key to the freedom of the others getting off the island. I could really see him in the end being the island protector. If any charter has been the definition of good it has been him. I recently saw Jorge at a Brooklyn band called Previously on Lost show. Pretty cool he came to check out a band… Read more »
This show inspires such devotion. It’s totally crazy and amazing how obsessed fans are with the show. Like, look at these two kids who write recap songs about each episode. They’re completely obsessed with Lost!