Brenda Leigh Johnson (Kyra Sedgwick) has left the building but that won’t stop her teammates from trying to catch the bad guys — any more than it will stop TNT from trying to attract big ratings. Will Major Crimes be as big a success as The Closer? We’ll have to wait and see.
The series’ cast includes Mary McDonnell, G.W. Bailey, Graham Patrick Martin, Kearran Giovanni, Michael Paul Chan, Phillip P. Keene, Raymond Cruz, and Tony Denison.
Below are the TV show’s ratings, the best way to tell if Major Crimes will be cancelled or renewed for a second season. There are 10 episodes in the first season and they air on Monday nights on TNT.
These figures will be updated as the weeks progress so be sure to bookmark and return to this page:
Final season averages: 0.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 5.18 million total viewers.
Episode 01-10: Monday, 10/15/12
0.9 demo rating (+29% change) with 5.13 million (+18% change).
Season averages: 0.89 in the demo with 5.18 million.
Episode 01-09: Monday, 10/08/12
0.7 demo rating (0% change) with 4.33 million (+4% change).
Season averages: 0.89 in the demo with 5.18 million.
Episode 01-08: Monday, 10/01/12
0.7 demo rating (-13% change) with 4.17 million (-3% change).
Season averages: 0.91 in the demo with 5.29 million.
UPDATE: TNT has renewed Major Crimes for a second season.
Episode 01-07: Monday, 09/24/12
0.8 demo rating (0% change) with 4.30 million (-8% change).
Season averages: 0.94 in the demo with 5.45 million.
Episode 01-06: Monday, 09/17/12
0.8 demo rating (-11% change) with 4.67 million (-6% change).
Season averages: 0.97 in the demo with 5.64 million.
Episode 01-05: Monday, 09/10/12
0.9 demo rating (-10% change) with 4.96 million (-16% change).
Season averages: 1.00 in the demo with 5.83 million.
Episode 01-04: Monday, 09/03/12
1.0 demo rating (0% change) with 5.87 million (+2% change).
Season averages: 1.02 in the demo with 6.05 million.
Episode 01-03: Monday, 08/27/12
1.0 demo rating (+11% change) with 5.74 million (+6% change).
Season averages: 1.03 in the demo with 6.11 million.
Episode 01-02: Monday, 08/20/12
0.9 demo rating (-25% change) with 5.40 million (-25% change).
Season averages: 1.05 in the demo with 6.29 million.
Episode 01-01: Monday, 08/13/12
1.2 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 7.18 million total viewers.
Season averages: 1.20 in the demo with 7.18 million.
It was a great start for Major Crimes but the real test will be what happens in the later weeks of the season.
Cable ratings are typically released within a day or so of the show’s airing, except for in the case of weekends and holidays. They are sometimes harder to come by so there may be occasional delays or gaps.
What do you think? Do you like the Major Crimes spin-off series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for another season?
During The Closer, I despised Raydor and Commander Taylor, why would I watch a show centered around these characters? I watched the first episode and found Raydor the same cold woman she was during Closer. I gave up though I love the Major Crimes team, I won’t waste anytime on this show.
Confession doesn’t always means Conviction!What I like in MC is that we actually see the accused go to jail,something that we couldn’t be sure with just a confession…
The 3rd epidose was better than the 2nd!I’m sure the 4th is going to be even better…I love the new show as much as the closer!the cast did a great job in the last episode!!!Mary’s acting was amazing in the last two scenes as well as Graham’s in the last!!!I think by the end of the season Sharon will adopt Rusty!TNT has to renew Major Crimes!!!
Am giving Major Crimes a chance. Raydor has a style of her own. Each show Raydor and the cast are getting used to one another. However, the Sykes character…not so sure about her. So am liking the show a little more each episode..
I was not a big fan of The Closer, but I like Mary McDonnell and decided to watch. And I enjoy it so far. All the team members participate now in investigation much more intensively than before. In The Closer it was too much of Brenda, and sometimes other characters seemed to not have their own opinion about the case. I even like the plea bargain and DAs interference, they just have to use this twist variously, like they did in 3rd episode. I would like the show to have 2nd season, as there will be many aspects, which will… Read more »
Major Crimes , even though it may not have as high a rating as some think it should have, is still better than 90% of the rest of the shows on TV. I’ll keep watching Sharon’s character grow.
My husband and I will definitely continue to watch Major Crimes. While we loved The Closer, we love the opportunity to continue a new show with the TEAM. They are a great bunch of characters (very hilarious at times!) and their chemistry should keep viewers interested.
Actually the ratings are considered very good!! It was the highest cable premier this year! That’s fantastic. The second show did very well.
It SHOULD have a second season. TNT renewed Dallas and Perception when they had much lower average ratings!!
We should know in another 2-3 weeks. All the cast is very hopeful!!
I’ve tried, but so far I miss the subtle looks, the intense work ethics and the warm episodes with the cats and Fritz and her family. Brenda Leigh was the show with her
down to earth clumsiness, brilliance, temper, warmth and passion. I don’t see Captain Raydor as a replacement.
This IS NOT the Closer. It’s a totally different show. It’s like comparing apples to oranges, you can’t equate one with the other. It’s the same cast but circumstances have changed. It’s a whole different ballgame and each character is trying to figure out where they fit into the whole paradigm shift that had occurred in their world. They need time to find where their niche is. The Closer started the same way, and many people had a very strong dislike of Brenda Leigh, it took time for them to learn to get along and eventually trust and care for… Read more »
From a 1.2 rating down to 0.9 rating; you don’t have to be a high-powered executive to know that’s bad. And I don’t expect it to get much better.
Have you seen Perception’s ratings?and it got renewed…Anyway TNT knew the ratings would drop in the second episode and o.9 is only the demo ratings!
It’s exactly what TNT execs expected. They know what their doing.
Major Crimes has great potential to be as good as the closer!But do not compare the two shows!I like MC and I’m going to watch the whole season because I love the team and the captain!If only the die hard fans of Brenda could see it as a different show!
I think Major Crimes is great,and will be as successful as the Closer.Linda
Loved The Closer fianle. Was NOT impressed with the premiere of Major Crimes , but will give it a chance. Not sure why they decided to make Raydor so COLD. She has no compassion whatsoever with the team. I guess there was an attempt in showing she has a heart by having her take in the run-a-way temporarily and putting a ding-dong in his packback. NOT! Sure hope they improve this story line.
I LOVED The Closer and about flipped when Brenda shot the bad guy through her purse. See, I’ve been trying to find that purse for 8 years. I was delighted props could make another for the end of the show. I never missed a show and thought hers was one of the best characters on TV in a long time. The new show seems to have promise the a couple of reasons. First, the cast is very familiar and likeable and should retain viewers. Second, you did a good job of carrying over a story line from one series to… Read more »
Major Crimes ia a big disappointment.
The support cast is great but it needs Kyra Sedgwick’s interaction with the support cast for success. Captain Rador is OK but she is not Brenda Lee Johnson. The pilot was a real disappointment and lacks the seriousness and comedy of The Closer. It should be cancelled.
Of course the 1st episode lacked the comedy as it’s transition time but the seriousness was definitely there! Watch the whole season and then decide!It’s what I’m gonna do!
What was that compared to the Series finale of The Closer?
Did it lose viewers? If it did, how many?
Grandizer » Major Crimes’ premiere was 20-25% lower than The Closer finale but it still had great numbers for cable. You can see The Closer’s numbers here:
Thats not a good sign.
For a series premiere BASED on the show it is following, that ran a little long as a series finale…
Some changes need to be made quickly.
I will watch it for the season, but if things do not change, I don’t have high hopes for a season 2.
And i refuse to watch that other rubbage they moved Rizzoli and Isles to a different night to make room for.
Those numbers were considered great. TNT execs expected that and are giving the show a chance.
Dallas and Perception were renewed with less than stellar ratings.