The future looks bright for many of ABC’s Wednesday night sitcoms. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for Mr. Sunshine. The mid-season replacement series has been cancelled after one season.
Mr. Sunshine follows the life of the Manager of Operations at San Diego’s Sunshine Center sports arena, Ben Donovan (Matthew Perry). His job isn’t easy nor made any easier by his crazy boss (Allison Janney), marketing director (Andrea Anders), crazy new assistant (Portia Doubleday), best friend (James Lesure), or his boss’ less-than-skilled son (Nate Torrence).
The sitcom got off to a strong start with a 3.7 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 10.52 million viewers. Unfortunately, the TV series lost 30% of its audience demo in week two and another 15% in week three. Future episodes went up and down a bit but also experienced a couple of serious declines. The May 30th installment registered a truly horrible 1.4 demo rating with just 4.02 million viewers.
The nine episodes that aired averaged a 2.2 rating in the demo and 6.02 million viewers, making it ABC’s lowest-rated sitcom.
To no surprise, ABC has cancelled Mr. Sunshine after one season. Only nine of the 13 episodes have aired and the sitcom left the schedule back in early April. There’s no word on if ABC plans to ever air the remaining four episodes. ABC has released their summer schedule plans and the leftover installments of Mr. Sunshine don’t appear to be a part of them.
What do you think? Are you sorry that there won’t be a second season for Mr. Sunshine? Why do you think the sitcom failed?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Just bought this dvd. It was great. Matthew Perry was excellent. Actually the whole cast was great. Should not have been cancelled. Your rating system must have flaws. There are worse shows on!
I thought it was a very funny, quirky show! Matthew Perry was great in it & so was Nate Torrence, who played Roman, the owner’s son. all the actors were very good & it was underrated, in my opinion. it should have lasted a few seasons.
After marco Polo , now a wonderful show with great actors and a very strong story full of historical backgroung , for Korea , perhaps you have not noticed that an peace agreement has been signed between the two koreas and that unlike cuba , things are changing !
You are pityful
This was one of the best shows I have seen on Netflix and am terribly disappointed there won’t be a second season
I found Mr. Sunshine on Crackle and am so disappointed that there are no more seasons. It was funny and entertaining. The show had a good cast as well. It’s hard to come across shows like this that keep you wanting more. ABC missed out on what could have been a long time winner.
No~~ Matthew Perry is my favorite actor!
What a shame Mr.Sunhsine got cancelled.
I think the american public is full of ******’ idiots.. This show is awesome. Matthew Perry is a genius when it comes to comedy. Pisses me of..
I’m watching it now on DVD and I think it’s great!
ohh i missed this show..this show was amazing..i was so happy to see my Most Fvrt Actor in the world after such a long time..! when i see Cougur is nice and Fun..but when i saw was nice, fun, cute, Funny and i laugh a lot!! i like both of them but if i had to select one of them i would go for Mr. SUNSHINE!! God!!! plz call Mr. Sunshine back on air! And parry you said,”Please enjoy making fun of me on the world wide web.” i feel so bad..why anyone make fun of YOU!!! we… Read more »
I loved this show, it was quirky and fun, and much better than the mindless sitcoms that somehow manage to survive. It’s too bad!!
Too bad it got cancelled.
I am soooooooooooooooo happy that this show has been cancelled…maybe I wasn’t the only one insulted by this trashy excuse for comedy.
I posted a video about this show in March, and I just found out it no longer lives
This show had no soul, no wonder it got cancelled. First of all, it looked like a happy-go-lucky hollywood movie, it had no realism, essence and truth. What was the meaning of this? An egotistic rich man running a huge arena and elephants popping out of nowhere?
Episodes with Matt LeBlanc had a whole lot more to tell to people, no surprise it was renewed.
Too bad it got cancelled. Loved the show! True; it did need a little “more”. It was very funny, but there was no clear goal. Each episode was like an island (an island of fun, no doubt!). But the sexual tension between Alice and Ben, which they started off with, vanished real soon, and there was no real cliffhanger or feeling of “I have to know how this is gonna work out”. Maybe that’s why people stopped watching it, I don’t know. Demographics rule all, I suppose. Over here, in the Netherlands, we liked it a lot. Wish there was… Read more »
Mr. Sunshine was great, I was really upset when I heard it got cancelled. I agree it had no publicity, didn’t hear of it until three shows in when a friend mentioned it to me. Also, find it funny that a bunch of networks had a bidding war on it, ABC gets it and then cancels it. Very sad