Reign aired its mid-season finale in January on CW, but when will the series return to CW with the second half of season three?
A return date for the series has not yet been set. The CW Reign Facebook shared a preview for the series’ return, and it does say the series will return this spring. That is all it says though.
Mary will face a new foe when the series returns though. Entertainment Weekly reported recently that John Barrowman will appear on the penultimate episode this season as Francis’ killer.
The news outlet reported that, “Barrowman, who’s no stranger to playing bad guys, is set to play Munro, a dangerous and charismatic Scottish clan leader who harbors a sinister grudge against the Queen of Scots. So naturally, when Mary returns to Scotland, she finds herself in the presence of the man who cost her the love of her life.”
Check out the preview below. Are you a fan of Reign? Will you watch the second half of season three when the series returns? Tell us what you think.
Please bring back more episodes on Reign.I really live this show.
Reign is fantastic! Love it! Of course I would watch more Reign!
I love the Reign series!! Please bring it back to the CW!!
Please this is to look forward to the best actors yet they are so authentic please let them perform we will be waiting
Bring back Reign!! Love the show. Actors,costumes, set are all wonderful. My favorite show for indulgent, fantasy TV.
Love, love, love this show!!! I have to watch it on demand because of my hectic schedule, but this is one of my favorite shows on CW.
I literally have nothing else to watch now thanx cw one of your only good shows and you do this
I need more reign in my life
I love this show can’t wait for its return
How much longer do we have to wait ugh this is so annoying
It’s so annoying to wait for a good show
I’m an OTR truck driver and watch my shows through Google play. With that said I’ve bought the 3rd season, so if you should cancel Reign, I should still be able to watch the remaining episodes that you haven’t aired yet.
Love it! Renew!!!!