AMC has decided to cancel Rubicon after one season of 13 episodes.
Billed as a conspiracy thriller, Rubicon is set in a government intelligence agency where nothing is as it seems. The cast includes James Badge Dale, Dallas Roberts, Jessica Collins, Christopher Evan Welch, Lauren Hodges, Arliss Howard, and Miranda Richardson.
The TV show was previewed back in June and attracted a 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 1.07 million viewers. When the series officially kicked off in August, the demo dropped to a 0.3 rating with 1.9 million viewers. The demo dropped to a 0.2 after that and the whole season averaged a 0.3 rating and 1.25 million viewers.
That wasn’t enough for AMC to want a second season and the cable channel has now cancelled the series.
Of the cancellation decision, AMC released the following statement, “Rubicon’ gave us an opportunity to tell a rich and compelling story, and we’re proud of the series. This was not an easy decision, but we are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such a phenomenally talented and dedicated team.”
The 13th and final episode of Rubicon aired on October 17th.
What do you think? Are you sorry to hear that it’s been cancelled? What would you liked to have seen in season two?
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Image courtesy AMC.
REALLY SAD that this show could not have gotten as many ratings as Sara Palin’s stupid reality tv show. Rubicon was for thinking people and was a wonderful show. However, it was not well promoted and put on the wrong day. Anyone that watched AMC on that day knows to set the tivo for mad men. They should have given it another time slot! Oh well, what else is new but JUNK TV.
Fantastic series! The depth of the characters and intricate web of relationships is incredible. Very disappointed that AMC execs have not renewed Rubicon. Maybe AMC could run a mini-series to tie up many of the loose ends……
I really enjoyed watching this show. Characters were well suited to their roles. Hope they change their minds but don’t think so.
What’s next, Canceling ” The Walking Dead”??????
I can’t believe this series has been canned! Wow that is so not right! I looked forward to seeing this every week. I mean to leave us hanging right when we were seeing the real picture exposed! I understand ratings = dollars, but why not a few more episodes to close it out! Give us diehard viewers a chance to say goodbye! I mean we finally had a show that challenged our minds as we watched. This was a show not for the not so smart people, I guess the genius plot, was it’s own worst enemy!
Rubicon was not promoted. It tripped over it. I loved it.
I can see how it would be something that grows on viewers though.
Cancelling it was dumb.
Loved this show. Was intelligently written, directed, and acted. Wish AMC would reconsider.
@beau: No word of that and the ratings certainly don’t make it an attractive idea for another station.
Shame. One of the very few intelligent shows. A wonderful yarn. Probably to be replaced with a reality show or some such garbage. I’ll miss it.
A terrible disappointment. It is disgraceful to leave viewers in the middle without a clear resolution of all of the questions this interesting program raised. Although I enjoy Mad Men, I am tempted to boycott it and any future AMC programs. Don’t the people who made the decision know of many programs that took more than a season to build an audience only to go on to become rave hits?
Are you kidding, finally a show with orginal ideas and story gets canned. What a joke!! TV execs are some of the dumbest people around. Sometimes substance and character development is more important than special effects and car chases. Unfortunately big execs dont see it that way. What a bummer.
I grew to be a big fan of the series. I sincerely hope they at least give some closure with another season. There’s so much material to explore and develop on that it’s a shame if it’s taken off air. Most of the good bands started off of a bad beat in a row of empty live shows! Remember that!
I am very disappointed at the cancellation of Rubicon. I found it to be a show that was very entertaining and worthy of my time – a compelling watch! I hope AMC reconsiders this decision.
That’s terrible! I can’t believe it. This was a substantial show, unlike the crap that stays on the air.
Save Rubicon! Bring back Rubicon and promote the same as you promote Walking Dead
I was really skeptical about watching this show, after watching the first episode I was hooked. AMC could of least had a second season to wrap it up. Leaving me hanging with all this info, and they never caught the Kateiv character, is such BS!