AMC has decided to cancel Rubicon after one season of 13 episodes.
Billed as a conspiracy thriller, Rubicon is set in a government intelligence agency where nothing is as it seems. The cast includes James Badge Dale, Dallas Roberts, Jessica Collins, Christopher Evan Welch, Lauren Hodges, Arliss Howard, and Miranda Richardson.
The TV show was previewed back in June and attracted a 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 1.07 million viewers. When the series officially kicked off in August, the demo dropped to a 0.3 rating with 1.9 million viewers. The demo dropped to a 0.2 after that and the whole season averaged a 0.3 rating and 1.25 million viewers.
That wasn’t enough for AMC to want a second season and the cable channel has now cancelled the series.
Of the cancellation decision, AMC released the following statement, “Rubicon’ gave us an opportunity to tell a rich and compelling story, and we’re proud of the series. This was not an easy decision, but we are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such a phenomenally talented and dedicated team.”
The 13th and final episode of Rubicon aired on October 17th.
What do you think? Are you sorry to hear that it’s been cancelled? What would you liked to have seen in season two?
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Image courtesy AMC.
once again a TV show that was too intelligent for the idiot sheep viewers out there – what a shame – great writing and acting – guess we have another bulls#** “reality” show to take its place…..ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
This was a Great show! How many shows these days can capture an audience without the use of car chases & shoot ’em up scenes? This show actually required ‘thought’ on the part of the audience! Sure hate to see it leave the air!!!
please continue with another season; excellent show in both writing and cast.
agree with all of the above….let’s start a Facebook Campaign to bring it back… It worked for Betty White!
What a shame! The only show that we looked forward to watching – would cancel plans to watch! Told all our friends to watch! It couldn’t have been that expensive to produce, not too many elaborate sets or costumes – just great writing and acting. AMC stuck by Mad Men and Breaking Bad after their unknown/unwatched first seasons……why is this superior show being treated differnetly? Did it hit a nerve with some neo-con who has interests in entertainment?……oops! Now you can see why it appealed to me…… Hopefully the writers will land on their feet and produce excellent work elsewhere.… Read more »
My husband and I are ABOVE the age demographic and have seen our share of real-life conspiracies. The acting was flawless and the story line might have been too close to the truth… We’re very disappointed to see its demise….
The cancellation of RUBICON is proof yet again of the fact that Network execs are Chimps. This was one of the best shows on tv. It will be missed, as will I from all things AMC. Didn’t watch it much, now I won’t watch it all.
I think that it is very sad that this show has been cancelled for a second season. A very smart, intelligent show that most people probably don’t get.
BRING IT BACK…Very smart show, compared to the “stuff” that’s on now
One didn’t need to be psychic to see that this show was doomed from the very start. This show is far too cerebral and subtle to capture the attention of today’s ADD society. Programming needs to be measured on more than the flawed, archaic system of ratings. I enjoyed it while it lasted. Will miss the characters. The dumbing down of America continues! Good luck with that.
“Rubicon” was a highly intelligent show that told a *really* intricate story that could have taken years to unwind. Now we won’t get the chance to find out what happens due to AMC’s overanxious response to weak ratings. Like “Terriers” this show would have gotten better ratings, and probably turned into a perennial favorite if only given the chance. After what they did to “Rubicon”, why should I invest any more time into “The Walking Dead”? I think TWD has been renewed, but so what, we all might get involved in season two and then it will yanked…this really has… Read more »
AMC has a major hit here and does not realize it. This is the best quality TV writing I have seen in 10 plus years. The ratings were low because AMC failed to inform the viewing audience the show was coming and to advertise it overall. I am amazed at how many of my (FIOS and DTV) friends and family were unaware this show was even on. This show is better than ’24’ (and easier on the heart). AMC had a sleeper hit and will hopefully re-think their decision. I cannot believe AMC will throw this away in favor of… Read more »
I am extremely disappointed in AMC’s decision to cancel this show. I thought it was extraordinarily well done and a real standout. The visual style was uniquely compelling and the ensemble cast very engaging. The pacing was out of the ordinary for television and the writing intelligent. Maybe all of these attributes are detriments when viewed with the prevailing lens with which television is judged, but that is a statement on the state of television. This was a wonderful show which should have been given a second season in which to find it’s audience. If there is such a thing… Read more »
For me Rubicon was very slow and senseless in the beginning, but as I continued to watch it, and now that I have watched the whole Season 1 a second time, this show stands with the best. It might be difficult for such a show as this to pull off several seasons without losing direction, but I think they could have pulled off at least one more season. As it stands, Season 1 will live on much like the original The Prisoner – one season worth of episodes making a tremendous production. I can just see the start of a… Read more »
Please say it isn’t so!!! I loved this show. It was one of the very few that I look forward to watching!
Great series. Bring it back.
I think this really sucks!!!!!
It was a great show and it’s audience deserves a conclusion!!!!!