The Winchester brothers have gone through hell (literally) to protect the world from the forces of evil. Just like their TV show, they’ve survived despite the deck being stacked against them. Supernatural has outlasted any other show on The CW network but how much longer can it go on? Will it be renewed for a 12th season or will this be the year that it’s cancelled? Stay tuned.
On Supernatural, the Winchester brothers, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles), continue their fight against scary stuff from the underworld. Misha Collins and Mark A. Sheppard return in recurring roles.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — usually the next day, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
3/11 update: The CW has renewed this TV show and 10 others for the 2016-17 season.
5/26 update: You can see the rest of the latest night’s ratings.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here.
For comparisons: The 10th season of Supernatural averaged a 0.81 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 2.02 million total viewers.
Note: These are the Live + Same Day Ratings which include “live” viewing plus delayed DVR viewing, up until 3am local time that same night. Ratings marked with an “*” are the fast affiliate ratings and will be updated with the Live+SD numbers when they are made available. Typically, networks get paid for C+3 ratings which includes DVR viewing within three days of the original airing when commercials are watched. Those numbers are rarely released to the press.
What do you think? Do you like the Supernatural TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a 12th season? How long should this show continue?
Supernatural is my favorite show on television. I watch it everyday and would too on weekends, if it was televised on those days! I am an aspiring writer and this show is very well written. I love the way some earlier episodes are precursors to later episodes and how some later episodes explain earlier episodes. Even though I have watched religiously for years, I find I learn something new often as I watch and re-watch. . Please keep this show on. I also have great ideas for spinoffs. This show is so well-written and directed that I think it belongs… Read more »
I love this show the boys and the whole cast make my Wednesday night plz don’t take this show off it would crush me my sister in-law son and my boyfriend we watch it like its the news
I agree
This show is my LIFE keep it going!
Well, my oldest son got me turned on to the show a few years ago. I have watched every episode on netflix until I got caught up on every show. Now I cant wait from week to week when it comes on. Please keep the show going as long as possible. As a fan of the show I would love to see more Crowley and the boys working side by side on some things. I would like to see how Garth and his bride are doing as a supernatural couple. More of Dean and Sam and their corkey relationship. With… Read more »
I watch supernatural every day,all the reruns daily,I cannot get enough,this is a favorite show,one of the best in for ever. I love the actors,I love the script,I love it all. From the first show meeting the Winchesters to the last god and sister making up,I cannot imagine the tube without Sam ,Dean,Cass and Crowley.Please do not end this series!!!!
Love this show please keep it goin
I have watched this show from the beginning every episode I look forward to watch this every week I such a huge fan to all the supernatural fans out there please keep show going on as long as possible I and millions ppl would be so sad to not see. New episode each week so many years I’ve watched it is part of my daily life now please for the fans keep it going

My favorite show been watching since it started please keep show going as long as you can it what I look to all week . I the biggest fan of the show I would be so sad to see it go so many years I’ve watched every episode for all the supernatural fans out there please keep show going as long as you can
I was a big fan of the show starting off however post season 5 my interest has literally gone to zilch, i think its fair to say that it should have ended a long time ago in a way everything’s been done and it seems the writers are grasping at straws like Gods return bringing Mary back its just ENOUGH already
Have to disagree,the show if connected to the actors are and is fantastic. I have and will continue to watch the first to the last time and time again,each new season is a plus.Writers change and it has been said CW did not want as much gore as TNT had. Still great show ,don’t watch it if unhappy with it but don’t insult it.Any series on this long has a lot going for it
No way! It did hit a hump but a little one. I’ve been waiting for God to show his face for seasons and am glad they finally let him but think it should have been a little more bad a**. He is suppose to be God, right? This is definitely my favorite t.v. show; it’s right up there with Smallville, but Smallville ended. I don’t think the writers are grasping at straws. I believe I’ve read that they have the story line planned through at least 13.
Also, my family didn’t start watching until after season 5 or 6 so maybe that has something to do with it. Everyone kept telling us to try it and finally we did and it’s been our favorite show since. Thank God we gave it a try because it is and will probably always be our favorite show. My husband, my son and I watch Netflix reruns when it’s not on (I swear every night almost).
Been watching since episode one, and I must say, they’ve done a lot to keep it fresh on and off, over the years. Castiel is one of my favorite characters, and I hope Rowena gets to return in season 12! However, I dislike the way American TV shows refuse to let something die when it’s time. And I feel like season 11 showed us that it’s past its prime. Regardless, I’m one of those fans who just can’t let go, because of my attachment to the characters. Here’s hoping that a new showrunner and fresh blood in the writing room… Read more »
Really? I can’t say q u e e r ?
And BTW, the season premiere was on a Wednesday, not a Tuesday
The actors do keep me retiring,I am so into all the main players.I could not imagine the tube without Supernatural.
It is NOT past its prime! I haven’t been watching since season 1 on t.v. but started on Netflix and started watching live around season 5-ish, but it is by far the best show on t.v. I cannot stand Rowena but I can say she made it good for a little while. Also, you don’t have to put down America. If the show is fantasy/supernatural powers why not use it to their advantage?
I watched SPN from day one back in 2005. The first three seasons were the best, with the brothers hunting things, saving people. When the angels arrived in S4 the quality took a nosedive. Now this once smart, scary show has gotten dull and predicable. Year after year some mythical big bad rises up to destroy the world, and “oh noes, only Sam and Dean can save us!” How pathetic. I suspect the only reason a lot of the current fans watch is for the male eye candy. End it, please.
Orrr- you could just stop watching. And don’t ever abbreviate things like ‘SPN’
Doesn’t work,
Nothing wrong with eye candy,don’t watch it if you feel its that bad,I love the show,as with all long standing series some shows are not as good as others but Supernatural is fabulous and I hope the actors as well as CW keep it going
Really? You need to re-watch on Netflix then. It did drastically change things when Castile came in and it hit a hump but it is funnier than ever. That said, I do love Cas! I do miss Sam and Dean fighting the creepy unknown in the night together but it is still by far the best show on t.v. It could use a little brother bonding time that takes a little turn for scarier but come on!
I’ve been watching this show from day 1! I got a little behind on season 6 to 9 but caught up. I’ve even went back from season 1 & watched every episode catching me up to season 11. I’m a die hard fan! My boyfriend is finally catching up on it he’s starting from season 3 so gonna watch it all over again with him:) this show needs to go on! I’ll grow old with it lol. As long as this show is playing I’m going to continue watching! Pls be a season 12 take it up to 20 I’m… Read more »
Please don’t take away my favorite show I’m termite I’ll and supernatural brightens my day the actors are awesome I’m sure that people will love it to go on thanks
Love this show. Record it every week. After a long day at work it’s great to watch with a glass of wine.
More, more, more!!!!!!