It looks like The Closer is going to last a little bit longer. Last year it was announced that the most successful drama on cable was ending after seven seasons, per the request of star Kyra Sedgwick. Season seven was to be made up of 15 installments that would air over the summer. Last week, we reported that there were rumblings about finding a way to keep the show going.
Now, TNT has ordered six additional episodes of the series which will pave the way for a spin-off with others from the Closer cast. According to EW, 10 episodes of The Closer will air over the summer. Another five will air next winter and then six more will run next summer. Those last six installments will serve as a farewell to Sedgwick’s Brenda Leigh Johnson and possibly set up another character as the focus for a spin-off.
Right now, its looking like the new show will be called Major Crimes. It’ll likely focus on the behind-the-scenes deal-making that keeps some of the most dangerous criminals off death row. EW reports that these kinds of deals will play a big role in the final episodes and will end up being the reason for Brenda leaving.
What do you think? Are you glad there will be more episodes of The Closer? Do you like the sounds of the spin-off?
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Image courtesy TNT.
I think TNT should consider bringing back Holly Hunter’s “Grace” character without
her angel, or maybe just Holly Hunter as a more mature female cop like “Brenda”.
I feel sad every time I think of the Closer ending. I certainly respect Kyra Sedgewick’s decision and I can understand that she feels it’s time for it to be over for her. At the same time, I’m jubilant to read about the show’s continuing with the rest of the cast. I watch and rewatch the episodes for the wonderful characterization and the terrific plots. The Closer never disappoints. Some of my happiest hours have been shared with Brenda Lee Johnson and the gang. Plus, I think she has two of the most understanding husbands around!
My best and… Read more »
I think if a spin off is going to be about backroom deals, which we know does go on, I personally do not want to know or see, simply because it would end on a downer to see justice being played and discouraging too because of all the wasted efforts of law enforcement. The attraction of Closer for me is the pitting of wills of the law against those trying to outsmart the law and the law winning. Also interesting was the conflict between departments to make it “their” case. The ingenious strategy involved to solve a complex case. Perhaps… Read more »
I was a late comer to the series and actually didn’t start watching the shows, both the new and the re-runs, until this past year. I absolutely fell in love with Brenda and all the guys. It is a tremendous show, portraying Brenda as a tough, no-nonense, brillant woman, who also isn’t afraid to show the softer, more vunerable side of her, which is so well done. I love this show and I really hate that Kyra has made the decision to leave. I am thrilled that there will be additional episodes, but can’t imagine a spin-off without her. It… Read more »
I too came looking to see when the new episodes will start again and am not impressed that this excellent show is also leaving…..very, very sad….and yet we get to see more and more of these dumb reality shows…..Huge loss and am very disappointed….I will definitely watch the extra episodes treasuring everyone, and the spin-off better be as good as this or forget it…I won’t waste my time.
I really want the show to continue me and my daughter love it.
The Closer is my favorite show, and I’m thrilled it’s going to be extended, but only in its original form. No spinoffs will ever replace Brenda Leigh and the guys.
If Brenda is not returning, than I think the show should end, because Brenda and Fritz are newly weds and it would never be the same!! A spinoff would be lame!!!
The Closer is by far the best drama on television. I think the show should go on. Certainly, Krya can’t be replaced, but why not “hire” a new character when “Brenda” leaves. Part of the storyline could be finding the right person to head up the department. It would parallel both the storyline and the show itself trying to find the right actress. The viewers are smart, and they can decide who they want to keep. This way the entire cast can stay and hopefuly the program can build upon their characters, too. More stories about them, please! They are… Read more »
WHAT? THE CLOSER IS ENDING? NOOOOOO!!! I’ve been waiting for some new episodes. I pulled up this site to see when the new ones were coming. I’ve watched all the old shows numerous times. Brenda, you can’t go. You make the show what it it. A spin off will never measure up. How could it without Brenda. Someone please pay her more money to stay.
Agree with a previous comment, make it so she’s on an extended assignment, I would hate to lose out on seeing Fritz and her parents. The rest of the cast is priceless, please retain them! Kyra is tremendous, but it is the whole group dynamic that makes this show what it is. Thrilled with the extended final season.
This is also one of mine and my husband’s favorite shows as well. We are sad that Kyra is leaving. But we will also tune in to the spin off. There are so many excellent character’s on this show that it is exciting to know that they will continue.
I am so sad that my favorite show is going to be cancelled! I hate the thought of so many good dramas leaving the air and viewers being left with mindless “reality” shows. Please Kyra , reconsider. I say if the show has to end, then leave a spin off featuring the characters Flynn and Provenza.
we really like the show. it will be missed .the character brenda lee is wonderful. all th other ones just fall in along with her. their chemistry is great. it will surely be missed.
I am relieved there will be more episodes but I still can’t stand the thought of The Closer leaving. If it HAS to end, and there is no way to convince Kyra and exec’s to keep it going, then by all means have a spin off but just make it that she is on an extended assignment or something so there is a possibility she could return. That way we still have Fritz and family that could continue on with the show. And by all means, do no lose any more of the cast! They are all awesome! ARE YOU… Read more »
So sorry to see Brenda and company split. Spouse and I love the entire cast. We will give the spinoff a chance as long as the rest of the cast sticks around. Lyra and Fritzie are a joy and will be missed.