It looks like The Closer is going to last a little bit longer. Last year it was announced that the most successful drama on cable was ending after seven seasons, per the request of star Kyra Sedgwick. Season seven was to be made up of 15 installments that would air over the summer. Last week, we reported that there were rumblings about finding a way to keep the show going.
Now, TNT has ordered six additional episodes of the series which will pave the way for a spin-off with others from the Closer cast. According to EW, 10 episodes of The Closer will air over the summer. Another five will air next winter and then six more will run next summer. Those last six installments will serve as a farewell to Sedgwick’s Brenda Leigh Johnson and possibly set up another character as the focus for a spin-off.
Right now, its looking like the new show will be called Major Crimes. It’ll likely focus on the behind-the-scenes deal-making that keeps some of the most dangerous criminals off death row. EW reports that these kinds of deals will play a big role in the final episodes and will end up being the reason for Brenda leaving.
What do you think? Are you glad there will be more episodes of The Closer? Do you like the sounds of the spin-off?
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Image courtesy TNT.
Love this show and all the cast. They should kill Brenda off and Fritz should replace her, that way Mary Mcdonnell and Fritz can still banter . Love Fritz, he needs to stay. Really hope the spin off keeps all the cast!!!
I am so disappointed with the ending of The Closer. The interaction between the characters is unsurpassed by any other show I have ever seen. It is smart and you can’t take your eyes off of watching it. Please don’t end — make it an even 10. Spin-offs of a show this good never go well. This was one of the first shows that did ‘dumb’ down the public. Like I said the casting could not have been better and the writing is so smart. The acting and the way the actors play off of each other make this so… Read more »
kYRA, there must be a personal reason yiou are leaving…I can’t imagine the show without you. Please reconsider, and make your fans root for you again. What a delightful and “clean” show to watch. You are really the one who makes it!! you bring laughter and tears to the show- and as you know, that is the best sign of a great actor. I don’t think the show will have success without you…you really “make” “the Closer”. Are you ill? Are you alright?Please let me know if I can help you. It must be tough to have to have the… Read more »
The show is most certainly not ready to end. Why was it actually slated to close ? Excellent casting, rapport with each character is fantastic, feels real (for the viewers who hide behind these of shows to escape reality), this show has “CHARACTER”. So it must be saved. I am a fan of Mary Mcdonnell. Due to hollywood politics and starpower- strung producers / distributors, Mary Mcdonnell may not be placed as the star, but surely, a Brenda-Sharon tie-up will be fantastic story-line ??????? Oh well ! one can dream. But thank you, Brenda, sharon, irene, Fritz, Pope, provenza, flynn,… Read more »
I love the show and I’m happy that it will continue a little longer. I like Captain Raydor and believe she could carry the show should Brenda feel the need to leave with the original cast staying on.
I recently got into The Closer and love the show with the humor. I do hope that they keep the actress and actors even thought Kyra is chosen to leave the show. Looking forward to the new show but will miss The Closer. I agree with Marilyn
This is a fun, well scripted program. If it does close out…..please keep the rest of the cast. We are all attached to them like family! Great writing and I’m sad that Kyra is leaving. Save as much as possible.
I am addicted to the Closer. I find myself watching the returns whenever they’re on tv. The cast is great and I am happy to see the Closer is around until next summer. I hope that the spin off includes the members of the present cast.
My wife and I are addicted to “The Closer.” I have bought every season via itunes and watched most of the episodes several times. This is the only show we really look forward to. We are so tired of the “reality” and large scale “amateur hour” shows. The writers have kept “The Closer” very fresh and relevant. I’m not a big fan of the comedy episodes, but they are entertaining. Kyra Sedgwick is absolutely delightful and her character is so well defined and interestingly flawed yet consistent. How can you improve on this? I would like to see Kyra continue… Read more »
I will miss the Closer. This show lets me see a man who is kind and gentle, but not a wimp. I love the show. It’s great, with a great woman who shows how strong and good in a man’s job. I will miss, the thank you so much and the love of chocolate.
I hope she will reconsider, but I understand that sometimes you are tired and want to move on. Best of luck Kyra.
I’m so happy The Closer isn’t ending yet!!! I wish Kyra Sedgwick would stay on The Closer for many more seasons!!! I love this show as do many, many other people. It’s your fault, Kyra, that we all love you as Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson!! We also love your Fritz and your parents. Your show has the best combination of drama and comedy I’ve ever seen.
Please don’t leave!!!!
Thank you!!
As a loyal viewer of The Closer, since the very first episode, I am ECSTATIC that the show will continue!!! In fact, it could go on forever as far as I’m concerned! This is the only drama on TV that is truly diversified in terms of the cast members (kudos to TNT)! Kyra is outstanding in her role and the acting of the entire cast is superb as well! In this day of RIDICULOUS, cheap, horrid and brain numbing reality shows, TNT has kept the bar high with its dramas that continue to make great TV! To TNT I would… Read more »
I prefer that Kyra still have Brenda’s character continue on for a few more seasons but I do like Mary McConnell
I look forward to seeing the Closer each week and miss it when it is not on. Mary McConnell is perfect to take Brenda’s position when she leaves the show – and she should leave because her husband gets a promotion and has to relocate. The ensemble is what makes this show work – each contributes in his and her own way. This show is a winner – dont mess with the original concept