If you’ve been waiting to learn the fate of Matt Passmore’s TV show, The Glades, you can rest easy. A&E has just renewed the drama for a third season. The new episodes will air next summer.
The cable series’ audience reportedly grew by 12% in the 18-49 demographic between seasons one and two.
The sophomore season of The Glades finished airing in early September and averaged nearly four million viewers each week.
What do you think? Are you glad to hear The Glades will be back for a third season? How do you think this series compares to other dramas on basic cable?
Why should we expect any kind of good behavior from anyone in Hollywood – including writers?
The criticism of Miss Cole is kind of unfair. She brought with her things from her life and was approved by writers, creators and other actors. We don’t know if she will be Jim’s new love interest. YET. I don’t intend to watch any of the last 2 eps but I’m sure to hear or read about them. Her reference about high end hand bags and 20 thou rings will keep Jim on his toes. He may have to dig into his portfolio. What will be will be and the fans have no control over the outcome. We’ll have to… Read more »
The Glades probably will get a season 4. They’re most likely waiting to announce until the finale. The ep on sexual abuse was very good. Callie is a little spitfire. On anotherpost 3 or 4 fans suggested that the BC was sexually harrassing Jim. One good laugh later I decided to comment on that. He is eating her attention up. Rest assured they done filming and really anyone who thinks they read these posts is pretty naive. But we can post our comments to each other. How about the promo with Jim & Jen hanging from a tree limb and… Read more »
I think I peek in on The glades am reruns to see how my favorite Callie is being treated. To watch a full ep is stomach churning. Just came off a message board which, without exaggeration must have had 30 or 40 complaints about the Bureau Chief. Its too late. It’s a wrap. Please don’t blame the actress. ITS THE WRITERS. I,m not in the know but we must assume they have meetings chemistry reading etc. Read the ep guides you’ll see, in spite of denials Callie & Jim are on life support.
Last nights ep 7/15 was quite good. Tuned in and saw Carlos & jim doo whooping. Very good. Reminds me of my beatiful mother who loved the music of that era. Also the criticism I’ve seen for Jen is pointless. By now we know she was brought on for her beauty. She acts seductive because its her role to lure Jim from Callie. Someone even said she resembles Sam. Dark hair maybe Sam wishes she looked like Jen. I least Jim & Callie are having some good moments together. Afraid it willend sadly. The golf thing was so cliche. Her… Read more »
Has anyone noticed the striking resemblance betweenMike Ealy on Common Law to Matt Passmore’s Jim character. What appeared to be a love interest bore a facial resemblance ( although a brunette) to Keile Sanchez. Just a coincidence? Maybe the types on in vogue. He walks like Jim, Talks like him,same hair. The female even talked a little like Callie. This summer cable season is really interesting. Longmire so far is faring best but we’llsees.
As to my previous post re: 10 eps I found the answer on another post. Glades & Longmire do havejust 10 episodes. I won’t mention the name of the post, not because its hidden but because its rude and inappropriate to do so. Total confusion the concensus that Jim & Jen will have a relationship and Callie will be unreachable. This supposedly is on an ep guide. This again, supposedly occurs in eps 9 & 10. I can’t find a synopsis on them. I don’t even watch anymore but I peek at the reruns because I am a Kiele fan.… Read more »
Does anyone out there know if Glades & Longmire still have only 10 eps. I read somewhere Glades may have 12. Have no idea on what that would be based. Help if you can.
Although I am not watching Glades this season I do see ads and synopsis. I find it hard to believe Jim will passup Jennifer. History you know. Harder to believe that as written Manus and Jennifer were in the academy together. On my tv screens Manus looks 20 years older. Oh well writers can write it any way they want.
I am glad “Glades” is back; however, it’s a little flat right now and needs a boost of energy. Either get Callie a decent job and get her back in med school or send her to Atlanta for a while and find Jim someone who is a better match – without kids. I like Callie and think she’s beautiful and intelligent but there needs to be a little more tension going on.
Oh count on it from all I,ve read there will be plenty more tension.
After reading your post more carefully I realize I would like to add to my response. Single moms have every right to have a relationship with a good looking guy. Do you feel gorgeous St James is too good for that. In Season 1 he initiated the mentoring of Jeff. After all he was involved with a cheating relationship with Sam. You have every right to your opinion. Of course your wish will take Kiele and Uriah off the show. I think beautiful intelligent women will take offense at your suggestion a single mom can have a good relationship
This is for sure I willnever never watch anything created or produced by Clifton Campbell.
This am May 20 a@e was showing a rerun of the Glades. May 13 the same 7am. I didn’t care to watch it. May 13 seemed to be about Sam and Jim. They have their reasons for showing them. There must be an audience. Seems early. They may have done this last season. Don’t recall.
I love the show the glades.. have loved actor Matt Passmore since his days on the Austrailan show McCleods Daughters … Great to hear that the show has survivied am looking forward to the new season.. C.
Started watching mid season this year. Really liked it, plus there is nothing else good on Sunday’s anymore. Glad it’s coming back!