Wicked City aired for three episodes on ABC in October before the network pulled the plug on the series. Ratings for the new series were low. The third and final episode that aired on ABC averaged a 0.45 demo rating and had 1.69 million viewers.
When ABC pulled the plug on Wicked City, there were still five episodes of the series left to air. Those episodes started to air in New Zealand, and ABC decided to air the remaining episodes on Hulu for American audiences.
Four of the five remaining episodes were released to Hulu last week, and now the series finale has been released.
Check out the final episode of Wicked City below. Did ABC cancel this series too fast? Tell us what you think.
cancelled way too soon. I just found out about this show, and love it.
I really liked this show and was shocked that it was cancelled especially so soon. There are shows not as good stoll on air
I love the series , bring it back , so far only seen 7 episodes , found this site when looking for when it was returning after the holidays.
Too fast to cancel. Loved the show. Would love to see how they can get away with the next series of kills.
I loved this show, definitely cancelled before it really got it’s audience. The show had me on pins and needles. I was always waiting for the next move. The finale episode leaves so much more to the story. Please consider bringing it back. It really is worth being watched. And BTW you guys cancel way to early or cancel really good programs. Please no more reality shows they have really run their course. Thank You for listening.
Yes,This show could have been a regular thing telling a different killer every season, ton of psychos in the 70’s and 80’s! ABC didn’t give it a chance maybe started with the wrong should have done another one instead?
Wicked City was definitely cancelled way too fast. I absolutely loved the show!
Yeah, dam abc…every time u get into a show they cancel it.
Yeah, not only cancelled to quick. But now they’re going to SKIP 4 shows and just show us the Finale’??????? What Moron is running this network?
ABC released episodes 4-7 last week. There’s a link in the article to a post about them.
I also loved watching “Blood and Oil”. damm ABC
always takes good stuff off the air this is bu**sh** give wicked city more of a chance !!!!
I really loved this show. They cancelled it to soon. I loved the role that Evan Ross played. Won’t be watching the ABC network anymore
I also loved watching “Blood and Oil”. Stupid network executives!
Why does it have to be on Hulu? There is a charge to watch a show that NEVER should have been canceled!
I agree… I have Hulu and after watching the season in its entirety it was canceled way too soon.
Yes, as they did with Blood and Oil, they cancelled this series way too quickly. Not going to watch anymore ABC serial type programs. Since the cut Brothers and Sisters and then that show in NYC in the Dakota (666 something) they have cut many many shows way too early.