After some speculation, it has been confirmed that the original Blade TV series (based on the Marvel comic series and hit trilogy of movies starring Wesley Snipes and Kris Kristofferson) has indeed been cancelled, unfortunately leaving fans with a cliffhanger.
A representative for Spike TV confirmed that the Kirk ‘Sticky Fingaz’ Jones action series has indeed been cancelled and won’t be renewed for a second season. The network is said to have been very happy with the cast and overall production but that the audience and ratings just were not as large as they’d hoped. The show started off with 2.5 million viewers but, by the September 13, 2006 finale, viewership had dropped to less than a million. End of story? Maybe not.
Though there weren’t enough fans for Spike TV’s liking, New Line (who produced the show) still believes in the show and reportedly would like to see it continue. Actor Neil Jackson (better known as Marcus Van Sciver on Blade) has said that New Line is currently looking for a new home for the series.
The 12-episode series has yet to be shown overseas or to be produced on DVD. Both are currently in the works and Neil thinks that, if the series does well in these areas, it could help bring about a second season. TV fans will remember that phenomenal DVD sales brought about the return of the Family Guy animated series and inspired the short-lived Joss Whedon Firefly series to return as a film.
Will the half human/half immortal vampire slayer and his allies return to the small screen? Time will tell. I’ll keep you posted on new developments so, stay tuned!
Bring back the series it’s a pity that it stopped without a good ending! we need at least 2 – 3 seasons !
This show most definitely need to return series 2
Bring the series back plzzzzzz I would limrto see what’s going to happen with krista and van and her boo thang,
i like to see more marcus van sciver he is so amazing please make season 2
please bring blade back i need to know what happens next and Krista what well she do to lie and stay alive sh***t i need to know
Blade the tv series is a great tv series. Please bring it back atleast long enough to close up the cliff hanger so people can see the great tv series end it with dignity.
Pls, pick it up back for the fans around the world. The story’s left incompleted. We need more to know. Eventually, make one series to finally finish the story with no intent of the continuation.
Sweet series. Awsome, well written, with good acting. ‘Sticky Fingaz’ is a great BLADE! BRING BACK THE SERIES!!!!
Yes justice, or just give me a movie to finish the series off like firefly or season 2 of course
oh COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we in the UK loved blade:the series so much…someone please get onto new line and fight for it,us fans need this…
Pleeeeeease bring it back! I just finished watching the whole set that i bought, love it and need to know what happens next! It’s such a well made programme with good plot lines, sfx- and actors; and for once, the women fight just as well as the men -and don’t look pathetic or ridiculous when they have their fight offs, unlike some of the rubbish we get on tv and movies … So get your skates on, invest and bring it back
if star gate and family guy can fight back and come back , then so can the… Read more »