Is your favorite ABC TV show coming back? Has it already been cancelled? What TV series have already been renewed for next season? Well, wonder no more. Here’s a list of all of the regular ABC series that have aired (or are expected to air) during the 2010-11 season (that’s roughly May 31, 2010 to June 1, 2011).
Using this “cheat sheet” you can tell where your favorite ABC program stands; how many episodes are in the current season, when it’ll be back on the air and, of course, if it’s already been renewed or cancelled.
If you can’t find a particular ABC program on this list, it may have been cancelled last season (2009-10) or perhaps the one before (2008-09). For a list of cancelled shows from all networks, you can go here. It may also be possible that we missed something so feel free to let us know in the comments below.
NOTE: Click here for newer versions of this list.
Here are listings for the other networks: CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC
What do you think? Do you see any surprises on the list? Which ABC TV shows won’t be renewed? Are there any that you wish would be cancelled?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I just watch season 1 & 2 of V,& was bummed out there is no Season 3 to see the outcome!! So Im BUMMED at 71!! Al
V is a great series. In shows us that only God and being a real Human could defend and save us. I really liked it. I hope the third and last season will appear one day.
Please please bring back v, fantastic show, enjoyed it first time round and just finished watching it again, love it, please bring it back to continue what happens next, great acting by all
I wish they would bring back the show v I’ve been waiting for a conclusion for a long time
I’m really upset with ABC. They always seem to get people into TV shows and then cancel them. I really enjoyed V series. Why would they not finish it, it’s pointless to make a show and not finish it. ABC no wonder everyones not watching your programs anymore, learn to finish what you start.
I truly wish they would reconsider. I loved the show and to leave people hanging like wet cloths in the rain is just not right.
SERIES 2 off the map!! Come on!
V should’ve stayed on!!
I was truly hurt each time V was cancelled without notice.The series was excellent. I rushed home in the 80’s in order not to miss it. I recorded each episode in 2009 in case I was away from home.AND should have taken a survey of viewers before ditching one of the best shows it will ever have.5
Cancelling the V has heart me more than anything please have mercy on us