USA Networks has renewed Covert Affairs for a fifth season of 16 episodes. They’re expected to start airing next summer.
The cable series is currently in its fourth season. The 10 episodes that aired this summer averaged 2.5 million viewers, down from the 3.06 million of season three.
The remaining six episodes will kick off on October 17th and finish airing on November 21st.
What do you think? Are you glad to hear that Covert Affairs has been renewed for another year? How long do you think this show should continue?
I am really glad that they are still going I am excited and they should go on until they have a story for every one and why they did this or that
i love this program its the best spy program now that spooks has finished over hear a long time ago i hope there will be more then 5 seasons please keep makeing them thanks
Just LOVE this show. Can hardly wait for the next season. Thanks for renewing it.
Great show, my wife’s and I fav show. I agree Auggie can be more of a man, but typical of most shows, they either don’t do it on purpose or don’t know how.
Anyway, great show. It is like watching a movie for an hour a week. I thought this season was good. The actor that played Henry was terrific, wow.
I like the series better than most network tv shows that are similar. It is best when the show is international and the romance with augie is pretty dull. The loss of viewers can be because of how the seasons are split up – no continuity.
Really tired of the Henry story line. Should have bee killed by Teo
Omg agreed I’m so tired of seeing Henry “being one step ahead” when it’s clear he comes off a just being a bit weird !!! Like a psychopath
I absolutely love Eyal, he really does need to be a regular .. Agreed this season hasn’t measured up, but I’m still excited for the second Hal to come back on this Thursday
hopefully with more Eyal !!!
I agree with Greg Turnbull that Auggie is a very weak character – he has been the last two seasons. It’s sad because I used to like Auggie, but now I can’t even stand him. He’s shown this season that he’s not worthy of being with Annie, and I hope this “Walkerson” thing ends with them parting amicably and realizing they’re better off as friends. So I agree with those who say the Annie/Auggie pairing was forced and boring. There is NO romantic chemistry between them; the picture above proves it – they look like teenagers going to the high… Read more »
i agree the augie annie thing was forced and his playing a blind guy is very weak. he sees and reacts to stuff that he shouldn’t be able to see all the time. LAME! I like Annie being a free spirit, she’s a spy after all. And what happened to her sister? Really she just moved away forever? Put her in more spy situations. stick her butt in russia and have her foil a totally made up plot to make our president look impotent – oh wait, that really happened lol. Seriously though, she’s a blonde white girl. She’s got… Read more »
Sorry to say, I watched the first 3 episodes this season, hated the Augie / Annie romance and have saved the rest on my Tivo for later viewing.
Not a fan of this season.
Not a fan of this year’s episodes. Not until Eyal turned up to save the day (again!). That was the best 4 minutes of the whole season. He and Annie are really great together. Absolutely hate the Annie/Auggie “romance”.
Lucky Covert Affairs was renewed as this season so far as really not measured up, the huge drop in viewers reflect the mistake of the forced boring romance between Annie & Auggie plus the writing was too focused on the dull romance. The best scene so far in season 4 was when Eyal saved Annie yet again. At least Eyal elevates the show when he is in it, he needs to be a regular & Auggie the guest star.
Awesome best show on USA
Excellent news. I love the show.
Heck yeah! My favorite spy show currently airing on television. Great news.