A couple days ago, Eastwick series creator and executive producer Maggie Friedman said that she was “furious” over ABC’s cancellation of the series. She’s apparently had some time to think about her choice of words and regrets the statement.
Friedman wrote, “The other day, when we were discussing the cancellation of Eastwick, I misspoke in the worst possible way. The word ‘furious’ was poorly chosen by me. You had said to me that ‘the fans are understandably furious’ and so I agreed that I was too, but the truth is, I’m not.”
She continued, “I see that word now in print attributed to me and it’s very painful, because it seems to imply I am angry with ABC and nothing could be further from the truth. They treated me really well. I am not the least bit furious, with anyone. That’s simply not the kind of person I am. Yes, I’m sad about the show being cancelled, because it was creatively fulfilling and tons of fun to make and an amazing group of people, but I’m not angry.”
What do you think? Are you “furious” with ABC or just “sad” that Eastwick didn’t reach a bigger audience and was cancelled?
Image courtesy ABC.
I am utterly disappointed with Eastwick’s cancellation. It was the perfect end to my day with its sexy, comedic, and juicy folly. I guess I will be switching back to cable. This is why I prefer cable to network TV. Shame on ABC for not giving this charming show a real chance. Eastwick was an acquired taste that I grew to enjoy… very much. I hope another network picks it up so I can keep watching these characters evolve.
The least abc could have done was give the show and the people who watch it some closure. They wonder why noone wants to start watching a new series, well this is why!
Will not be watching Ugly Betty or ABC..they can’t even show the last episodes of Eastwick to loyal fans? I am gonna find a new network!
I am angry. Very angry. Shame on ABC.
I agree if ABC thinks we are not watching then we should boycott their programs and watch the ratings go down on all shows. I like CBS better anyway. They have better comedies.
I definitely have this to say I love Eastwick and seeing this weeks slot filled with Ugly Betty I for one will not be watching ABC!!! What are you people thinking?????
Im quite mad that they canceled Eastwick! I love this show so much, i truly hope that another station picks it up. This would also be a fantastic book ,in my opinion. ABC has made a huge mistake in canceling this show
ABC have you ever heard of DVR and TIVO thats why your ratings aren’t what you want them to be if you want someone to blame then blame the companies that came out with that it is a mistake to take eastwick off the air i hope the shows creator takes it to another station.
I am very upset! Eastwick is fun and light, you don’t have to think of your own problems. But the worst part is I am sick to death of so called reality shows. Watching fake womens lives and fat people lose weight and sad people look for mates is not entertainment. I am over weight, single and a mother of four, something like eastwick was just fun hopefully someone else will pick it up and we will all change the network we watch.
This was a very good show. Another one ABC is making a mistake on. Why don’t they ask those of us who also record the show our opinion too? I hope another network picks it up like CBS did with Medium (even NBC didn’t know a good thing when they had it!).
sorry for the typo in above posting… i do know how to spell.
I had no idea until I was looking for a show that did not air locally! I am so mad! It was a great show! Syfy or USA needs to pick it up! They picked up law & order criminal intent! New shows air on USA!! It is too good to just stop/cancel… Come on!! I dvr all my shows! No one sits and watches a show right when it airs anymore. People have lives! I watch in the mornings before my kids go to school!
I hope ABC is reading some of these comments ans decides that they made a stupid mistake. a lot of shows have lower ratings. Tivo and dvr people. Hello!! People have to work you know.
ABC is run by idiots! Why take a show with great potential and air it so late at night on a night loaded with comedies? They did not do enough to promote this show and basically left it to fail. Everyone I know watched this show and I could not believe there was not enough interest. I thought they cancelled The Middle because they kept showing reruns of it. Seems to me no one knows what is going and on and ABC is looking for simpathy. They will get none from me especially since they originally started Ugly Betty on… Read more »