Though the Flashpoint series isn’t very expensive for CBS to air, the network certainly seems to have lost some enthusiasm for the Canadian-produced drama. It’s been a staple of CBS’ Friday night schedule for three summers but it remains to be seen how long they’ll continue to air the modest performer.
Season three of Flashpoint began airing on June 4th and the 13 episodes are set to finish running on August 20th. Supposedly, the network will still have another nine installments on the shelf.
At this week’s press tour, CBS president Nina Tassler noted that, while the network will continue to look at Canadian programming as an option, she “hasn’t decided yet” on ordering more Flashpoint. The show continues to be popular in Canada.
What do you think? Would you like to see CBS continue to airing Flashpoint. If they cancel it, would you buy it on DVD?
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Image courtesy CBS.
Love the show. Hope you keep it on the air.
One of my favorite shows.
If it were canceled and there were more episodes available, I’d order the dvd’s through Netflix, but I wouldn’t buy them.
Great show! My wife and I savor each and every show. The show’s producers/directors
have found that very difficult balance between character development and paced excitement.
Keep it. The show is entertaining and thus far the plots have been good.
Yes, Please continue to air FLASHPOINT. It is one of he best programs out there.
Being Canadian, I don’t really mind if CBS cancels it, as long as the Canadian network (CTV) doesn’t’.
I go out of my way to watch it. It has such a good balance of action and characterization. Please keep it.
Flashpoint is our favorite yes i would buy it its awsome, being law Enforcement family we really love it.
Please keep Flashpoint. My Husband & I love this show & have watched every episode. Please order MORE!!!
I waited a very long time for this show to return to CBS and was ecstatic when it finally arrived. I hope they renew it and keep it coming! It is one of the few shows that can hold my family’s interest from beginning to end. The acting is superb, the situations tense, and it’s just great all-around television! PLEASE order MORE!!!
We have all loved Flashpoint & don’t care that it takes place in Canada. Its gritty but true to the heart. How many cop shows actually show cops that have good marriage or that their families are still together. For the Ed Lane side story alone they could it on. I’m not sure why certain shows get cancelled way before their time & others hang on long after they should have been cancelled. The same things happened to Wanted & the Unit but I am forced to see Survivor, the Bachelor & Big brother survive. Perhaps the big 3 need… Read more »
I really enjoy Flashpoint and hope CBS keep sit on as part of their programming. It is a smart show that keeps me on the edge of my seat.
please keep it, i love the show!! i watch it with my family always on friday just wouldn’t be the same ya’ll don’t bring it back. friday wouldn’t feel like a friday anymore and i don’t know what i would do, look mondays aren’t same anymore since 24 went off the air so could you PLEASE do NOT cancel it!
I enjoy this show and I do hope they decide to keep airing it. I don’t think I would buy it though.
I seen all of the current episodes CBS is running now. I am sure if CBS move Flashpoint to a time slot that is not considered instant death, the rating would be high. If CBS decides not to continue running Flashpoint US viewers will miss out on a well written and executed series. CBS did the same thing to The Bridge. If the Bridge was in a decent timeslot it would have had better ratings. When The Bridge was first run in Canada it was shown at 10PM Fridays. Yes I would purchase the DVD’s of both The Bridge and… Read more »