One of the most beloved family sitcoms of the 1980s, Growing Pains ran for seven seasons and 166 episodes on ABC. The TV series revolves around the all-American Seaver family from New York. Jason (Alan Thicke) is a psychiatrist who’s married to Maggie (Joanna Kerns), the working mother of their three kids. Mike (Kirk Cameron) is the eldest and a smooth-talker who’s always pushing the boundaries at school and at home. Carol (Tracey Gold) is the brainy middle child and Ben (Jeremy Miller) is the youngest son who’s rambunctious and has a very healthy appetite.
By the second season of Growing Pains, the cast and crew really started hitting their comedic stride. Storylines include Carol wanting a nose job, Ben making 67 calls to a sex line (it’s not what you think), Mike making “employee of the month” before being fired for covering for a pretty co-worker (Olivia d’Abo), Ben bringing home a homeless teen (Hallie Todd) for the holidays, and Mike and his friends being pressured into taking drugs at a college party.
The complete second season has now been released on DVD in a three-disc set. You can purchase Growing Pains: Complete Second Season for $24.99 or you can also try to win a copy here. To enter, you need to merely post a comment below.You can enter once per day.
If you’d like an additional chance to win, leave a comment on our Facebook page under the wall post about the contest. You can enter once per day.
You can also follow us on Twitter and tweet “@tvseriesfinale Hope I win the Growing Pains on DVD!“. You can enter once per day.
If you don’t have Facebook or Twitter accounts, you can email us as another way to enter.
Guidelines: This giveaway is open to participants with a United States mailing address only. (International readers can enter if they have a friend in the States who can accept their prizes by mail.) Many may enter but one person will win. You must be 18 and older to enter and no purchase is necessary. Contest ends May 22, 2011.
UPDATE: Congratulations to Serena Mills who won this DVD set in our contest. Thanks to everyone who played and we’ve got more contests coming!
Show me that smile again….by entering me in the drawing! : )
Growing Pains!!!
Back again-I thought I would just enter again.
Would love to see a young Kirk Cameron again!
Show ME that smile again…….let me win! 🙂
Entering again.
I seen Kirk Cameron in a movie a few years ago he is still a great actor I wish he would be able to star in a new sitcom. Traci Gold is still a great actress as well. I beleive I have seen every movie she has ever done they all have been great. My fingers is still crossed.
I don’t see the re-runs for growing pains too much on tv anymore 🙁 Miss it… and would love to win this!
I really hope I win this. It is one of my favorites and I can’t fine the reruns any where. This is one of those shows I can watch over and over. Here is to hopeing and praying to win.
It was a pretty awesome show,still is too!!!
I am back again-I wonder if they will ever do another reunion movie the last one was really good. I wish they would do another one.
loved this show
my sis loves this show
I think Growing Pains is a great show!
I thought Season 2 would never come out…so glad it’s here!