Earlier today, The CW announced early renewals for eight of their shows — virtually their entire current schedule. The series that was absent from the announcement was Hart of Dixie, a show that’s been rumored to be in its final season.
CW President Mark Pedowitz says that a decision hasn’t been made yet about Hart of Dixie’s future. He said, “I’m happy to see how it plays. If (the series) ends, it is a great finale. If it doesn’t, it’s a great season finale.”
A new episode of Hart of Dixie airs this Friday night. You can track the ratings and see how they stack up here.
What do you think? Would you like to see Hart of Dixie be renewed for a fifth season or is it time to end the series?
I love the series

I’m binge watching it for the third time….
Please bring it back !!!
I just finished Hart of Dixie on Netflix. I would love to see the cast back together for another season!!
Bring Hart of Dixie back. It is a great show!
Yes play more seasons of hart of dixie good show
I just finished season 4 tes please let there be a season 5 love hart and dixie .
I love this show I came across it and binge watch four seasons in about a month time would love to see another season. Especially with what’s going on in the world today it’s definitely a wholesome feel-good type of show that we all need. thank you for not putting politics and covid into it like all the other networks are doing. It gives us a reprieve from the stress of what’s going on now
Absolutely loved this show. Is wicked awesome down to earth kind of shows we need more of . Definitely would love to see more seasons!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE DONT STOP!! With HART OF DIXIE!!! Me and my husband love this show !!! Please continue this from the very bottom of my heart!!! IM ADDICTIED !!! It can’t just end like this!!! PRETTY PLEASE!!!
I love Hart of dixie it makes me sad that we what happens with them and the baby. I hope you do a season five please.
I just watched this on Netflix I love love love this please do not cancel
Loved these people ! Was so sorry for it to end !! Love to get it back!!!
We really enjoyed this show and was sad to see it was ending. Please renew fir season 5
Absolutely I loved this series!!! I couldn’t stop watching it.
Please tell me this is for real? They absolutely need to renew this.
Renew! This show must go on!