Though things were looking good for a second season of CBS’ vampire show, Moonlight has been cancelled. The show has loyal followers, the ratings were decent, and the series often won its timeslot. What happened?
Essentially Moonlight has been cut for a number of reasons. The rest of the network’s schedule is quite strong in the ratings and it certainly makes no sense to cancel one of the stronger series. If Moonlight were on the ratings-challenged CW, it certainly would have been renewed.
Like Jericho last season, Moonlight has a devout but small audience. Unfortunately, CBS’ decision to resurrect Jericho didn’t work out so well for them. Though many campaigned to get Jericho renewed, fewer people tuned in. CBS likely feels a bit burned by that experience and is reluctant to go down that road again.
The cancellation also stems from the fact that CBS is feeling very confident about their new batch of drama pilots. They’ve given a greenlight for four new dramas this fall and there just wasn’t any room left on the schedule for Moonlight. They know that Moonlight’s audience is unlikely to grow very much and would rather take a chance on a new show.
There’s been much upheaval behind-the-scenes and it’s been reported that the network hasn’t been impressed with the show’s creative development. The ratings were also usually lower than both its lead-in (Ghost Whisperer) and lead-out (Numb3rs).
CBS has given the okay for another season of The Unit. With the network’s full schedule, the drama will likely end up being bumped from Tuesdays and end up on Fridays in Moonlight’s old slot.
Moonlight’s series finale is set to air this Friday, May 16th. Stay tuned!
I agree with the person who noted that Buffy wasn’t a big hit until the start of the second season. Moonlight is an awesome show with GREAT potential energy, and CBS just screwed up BIG time. Missed opportunity. And they will also miss my viewership, because now I no longer have a reason to watch their lame network. CW execs- if you are out their reading and hearing the cries of the people, pick up this show to your network. Smallville is winding down soon, and Moonlight is your next big ride. Do it.
And secondly how can u just leave us hanging we dont even get to knw if Mick turns Beth and if the police dude arrests or kill Mick. This is not fair its like letting a child sniff a cookie and not having a bit.
This is rubbish, how can moonlight be cancelled its like the best show ever. Pls dont cancel the show its like the only show I look forward to the whole week. And Mark is like sooooooooooooooo HOT.
You might no have a lot of audience in america but we in the UK love moonlight even my grand dad watches it.
By the way, the unit is so boring, watched it and I wanted to reap my hair out. Cancel the unit in stead.pls
Buffy wasn’t a hit until the end of the first – start of the second season. CBS you surely don’t understand the power of the witty vampire genre. I hope WB will pick the second season up. You’ll be a hero WB if you did this.
Moonlight took a new aproach to well known subject as vampire movies/ tv show is. This fresh idea should be continued.
**** YOU CBS!!!! **** YOU !
Way to go CBS! This truly and utterly sucks..This was the funnest show ever..The actors were great and there was great chemistry too…Not to mention the great lines and awesome dialoge..I would hope that you would try to keep them since they won you awards from all last season..But hey I am just one of many that believes this was a bad idea…People will get tired of military stuff when the war ends and people stayed around how many seasons for Buffy and Angel? I just wanted to remind you the mistake you made..This is a great blooper on your… Read more »
OMG!!!!!!!!!! I’m going to freaking never watch CBS again!!! I’m soo pissed! It was the ONLY show I watched during my busy week..I actually don’t watch any other series because i’m always busy, but Moonlight know matter what I have I cancel and watch it because its AMAZING!The show has a great number of audience for a new show, they’re freaking going over their heads expecting a bigger number for a new show. I’m not watching anything ever again on CBS. Any show i start liking they cancel. Theres no point tuning into any new show, they’ll all be cancelled.
This is freakin retarded. Everytime a show comes on I like, they cancel it. Go figure. CBS made a bad decision here. I loved this, this was my favorite show. CBS just likes to screw with people by giving us great shows, theat won awards I remind you, and then just yanking them out, for more “new” shows that they’ll just do it to again.
I can’t believe they’ve canned this show. It’s a great, fun show!
I hope that it gets a midseason renewal or another shot. I’ll definitley buy the series DVD when it comes out.
What a great show! I could sit down, relax, and just enjoy the characters. CBS was the only network I would watch on Friday nights with GW, Moonlight, and Numbers. Not anymore, It I can’t have all 3 shows then I don’t need the network. To bad people sitting in a board room gets to decide what the public wants to watch. Well, I am part of the public and “reality tv”, stupid gameshow are not worth watching. So goodbye CBS thanks for listening to the people who actually tune in to your network!
moonlight is a great show, why would you cancel it. its fun and romantic.
the actors are wonderful, they put everthing they have in them to make the show what it is a hit. please bring it back,its a great show.
cbs u suck no pun intended moonlight is y i started watching cbs besides ghost whisperer ,
taking moonlight off is just wrong. i hope u change your mind and bring it back.
ill be watching for it.
This was an extremely bad decision on their part in my opinion. They have millions of fans for Moonlight. Honestly, I think they’re afraid it will start to outshine Ghost Whisperer.
And they renewed The Unit? Don’t we have enough crime shows nowdays?
I found Moonlight to be full of action, drama, love and fantasy. That is what made this show great to watch. It wasn’t full of the “real” life dramas like the CSI series, The Unit, all the medical and war crap. I love CSI and the Unit, but watching Moonlight allowed me to watch something that wasn’t real to life and enjoy a grown up fantasy for a change. Please consider keeping this show. It is fun to watch! Fantasy type shows takes you out of the real world and t.v. needs this type of show to help people de-stress… Read more »