Last night, NBC aired the final two episodes of their mystery-thriller series, Persons Unknown. The show revolves around a group of people who wake up in a small town and must figure out how to survive and escape. The cast includes Chadwick Boseman, Lee Purcell, Jason Wiles, Andy Greenfield, Daisy Betts, Tina Holmes, Alan Ruck, Kate Lang Johnson, Sean O’Bryan, and Gerald Kyd.
NBC waited until summer to air Persons Unknown; a time when fewer people watch television and their isn’t much competition. On Monday nights, it got very poor ratings, even for a summer show, and was consequently sent to the TV graveyard known as Saturday nights.
Remi Aubuchon, one of the show’s executive producers, has said that the show was originally envisioned to have self-contained seasons but could easily run for multiple years. Based on the ratings and their treatment of the series, it is highly unlikely that NBC will bring Persons Unknown back for a second season.
What do you think? In all likelihood, last night’s installment is the final episode. What do you think of the Persons Unknown finale? Were enough questions answered in “Shadows in the Cave” to satisfy you?
Image courtesy NBC.
i want 2 season
I am so curious to know where mark & his girlfriend will end up to. Toria, Janet, Joe, how the hell Tom would say he is dead but Joe alive! And how really can the program choose en never give people a chance to choose what they want or don’t want…. and how Charlie’s friend knew his wife’s name. Please season two
In my opinion they should make a sec season of persons unknown cause it was a really good show and at the end they kinda really left everyone hanging at the end of the show.not only that and how it ended with a different world and different people in the the town…. The is what I think