(Photo by: Food Network)
Restaurant: Impossible has come to an end. Food Network has cancelled the series starring Robert Irvine after 22 seasons. The series follows Irvine as he helps the owners of struggling restaurants.
Irvine spoke about the cancellation of the series by Food Network on social media, and he held nothing back when viewers asked about the series’ demise.
He said the following, per Deadline:
“I’m old news and although the show is a GREAT show that helps small business and families / communities it’s not a show that they believe fits into who or what they want or the younger viewers like. I really have no idea, all I know is j will come to [the] to help all those in need regardless.
I don’t think any amount of fans telling Food Network to bring it back will do anything.. to change their mind.
They have a different idea of what the viewers want and [Restaurant: Impossible] isn’t in that .. so we will move on and see what happens next .. when i know i will let you know lol.”
The 22nd and final season of Restaurant: Impossible wrapped on April 6th after 191 episodes and numerous specials.
What do you think? Did you watch Restaurant: Impossible on Food Network? Are you sad the series has come to an end?
The Food Network is nothing like it used to be. You don’t learn anything any more. I’m sick of Guy Fieri and Bobby Flay and the stupid game shows. The Kitchen is OK as I like all of the chefs, but Robert did his job with a passion. I guess Food Network doesn’t ‘get’ that helping people succeed is a good thing. Hope he finds another home on a streaming service and sticks it to them. I do like Molly Yeh. One breath of fresh air.
I am so sad and disappointed Restaurant: Impossible is cancelled. Robert’s compassion for these small business owners is admirable. I loved his advice and ideas. And his recipes he shared at each location looked so delicious. The Food Network is wrong to cancel this wonderful show. Good luck Chef Irvine. I will miss you and your colleagues each week.
I agree this show should not be cancelled. I have watched it for years. It is much better that another game type show. Maybe young people could learn something about helping other who are in trouble and learn from their mistakes. Don’t cancel.
I think the network made a big mistake cancelling Restaurant Impossible. It is one of my favorite shows. I don’t really care if young people watch it or not. Us older people do and we have some buying power. I hope they reconsider and renew it. If not, I hope Robert gets another show.
I also love this show. Young people probably wouldn’t watch this show anyway. What about the rest of us over the age of 50. There are lots of us! We always PVR it, then watched it later.
Good luck in the future,Robert. Hope you can get another similar show.
I loved watching Restaurant Impossible and extremely sad to hear the network cancelled it. All the best to Robert and his production company.
Well, given the number of places that closed despite the help… it may have needed to end. I always preferred the Gordon Ramsay versions anyway. I have seen the female designer in HGTV so…,
I do not like this at all. I love this show. Food Network needs to change their mind. Everytime the different network takes off a show that is popular with the fans, then they put really ****** show on in it’s place.
You people don’t make any attempt to connect with your audience & what they want. There are several shows of yours that I don’t watch any more.
With the end of Restaurant Impossible there is nothing I want to watch on Food Network anymore. I can’t stand most of the chefs and those I do like I feel like I’ve seen all of their episodes since I haven’t seen anyhting new in a couple of years.
A sad end to an enjoyable series. Makes no sense.
Decisions like this are exactly why I don’t watch that channel anymore. Young people watch videos online so the reason is a crock.
Really sad to see it go. Robert is a good person and not many of those on TV anymore. Show was good as it showed the quality or lack of that is seen in some restaurants. Guess now they can get away with anything. THey will probably replace wim with that english gordan R
Gordon Ramsay won’t do Food Network. He has a great presence on Fox. I LOVE Gordon. He, like Robert, has CLASS.
This is such a crock!!! I really liked Restaurant Impossible. The Food Network has nothing good anymore and I’m sick of seeing Guy Fierri all the time! They should rename this network the Guy Fierra network. Food Network is the WORST!!!!!
Same here. I really like Robert and it was the only show I tuned in for every week. The rest of the network is awful. Discovery really should listen to their viewers. What do you expect though Disc9overy+ was such a travesty that the only way it could survive was to merge it with the extremely overpriced HBOMax.