A couple weeks ago, ABC officially cancelled their freshman TV show, FlashForward. Though it got off to a good start in the fall, the show’s ratings declined fairly steadily throughout the season. Like many ongoing serials that are end before their time, the last episode of FlashForward left many questions unanswered.
In the FlashForward series, the world’s population passes out unexpectedly for 137 seconds and has a vision of a future date. The series features a large ensemble cast that includes Joseph Fiennes, John Cho, Jack Davenport, Zachary Knighton, Peyton List, Brian F. O’Byrne, Courtney B. Vance, Sonya Walger, Christine Woods, Genevieve Cortese, Dominic Monaghan, Gabrielle Union, Lee Thompson Young, Ryan Wynott, Barry Shabaka Henley, and Lennon Wynn.
Fans of the series have been trying to get the network to reverse its cancellation decision and are now planning an unusual demonstration on the show’s behalf. In addition to sending calendars, friendship bracelets (similar to the one Fiennes’ character wears), and letters to the network, they plan to stage blackouts in front of ABC network offices and affiliate stations across the country — for 137 seconds.
The pretend blackouts are planned for June 10th and will take place in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, and Atlanta. And, though they don’t have ABC network locations to target, fans in various countries around the world — Canada, England, Spain, Italy, Germany — are also planning similar demonstrations.
Ultimately, the networks care about ratings (something FlashForward was sorely lacking) but this demonstration is sure to get their attention. It’s highly unlikely that ABC will reverse its decision to cancel the series but hopefully they will be persuaded to give the series some sort of closure.
What do you think? Do you believe that ABC can be persuaded to bring FlashForward back for season two? Would you be satisfied with anything less? Perhaps a TV movie or an additional episode to wrap things up?
I might just read the book.It sounds ok but it got a different storyline.
I realy hope someone does do it though.If they make it better they could be making HEAPS.
I LOVE Flashforward!!! ABC needs to let us know how its going to end instead of always leaving us hanging……I was planning on watching a few of the new summer shows on ABC but not now cuz they’ll just cancell them and leave us hanging AGAIN!!!!!!!
I dont think NZ even got to the 3rd episode of V and im real pissed now….
I LOVED Flashforward. I didn’t know it had been cancelled nor about the protest black-outs until today when I stumbled onto this site! What a great statement to the idiots at ABC. I couldn’t WAIT for each week’s episode, wondering what turn it would take next. I think I’m just about done with the BIG THREE networks. So far, all have managed to cancel numerous shows I loved. I agree with a previous poster that Nielson Ratings are outdated methods of judging viewership. The world is on-line now – and they need to pay attention!
I am really, really angry about the cancelling of Flashforward! It was the best show that I have seen in years!!!!!! Shall we all protest?
I am boycotting ABC this fall.
My family loved the show. We would record it and watch it together on Sunday night. I can’t believe they can’t find a spot somewhere for another season or two. Bring it back! Excellent story line and characters.
Someone needs to create “THE” website for people to know to go to like a myspace or Facebook of TV. So that fans can get organized. I have been posting every where i can to protest the cancelling but I never saw anything about the June 10th black out until today at this site. On another page they asked why the low turn out? Well, first off it was a Thursday (work day) second how are the viewers of the show supposed to have found out? If TV VIEWERS could get united ( instead of networks relying on outdated Nielson… Read more »
This is my NEW favorite site. But Please PLEASE go to ABC’s FlashForward Site & post / beg them to bring the show back!
Also other TV Rating sites like Yahoo etc.
Hey, other places to go are Facebooks – Flashforward site & leave a comment about them not cancelling the show. That seems to be the biggest “gathering” I can find of people so far.
OMG it always amazes me how these ******** can work in tv, yet have know idea whats good for it. I have to contend with so much atrocities on tv that I am left completely perplexed at what they do decide to take off the air. Most of the shows aren’t fit to wipe someones ass with, but to each there own. I may watch all my shows on dvr or the net….but I am a hardcore fan of the shows I love. These guys that decide whether or not to cancel shows have no concept of taste….or loyalties. Its… Read more »
ABC is definitely off my list–FOREVER!!! Flash Forward had so much to offer. Sure, it required that you actually paid attention to the plot. That’s what made it worth watching. Guess I’ll be catching up on my reading from now on.
After watching the NBA Finals if ABC does not bring flash forward back… I will never support another ABC series again. This is ridiculous finally a show on tv that had all of the elements I like to see in a show and now ABC up and cancels it. I cant believe this! If they were going to cancel the show they could have at least given some closure to the millions of fans all across the world that did support the show.
i hate abc now i will never support it again thanks for ruining my life
I agree with you. I have been suffering from a horrible breakdown since it was cancelled.
I think fans should get a real cheap bubble gum rings and send them to ABC with a statement Simone and Flashforward Fans say there much be more Flashforwards!!! It worked with Jericho with the Peanuts — but a lot of bubble-gum rings would have to be sent — it would send a stronger message then the falling down for 2 minutes and 17 seconds that was done on June 10th.
I’m sure a foreign network will pick it up because (not surprising) the ratings were better outside the U.S. (for some reason shows that require more then 2 brain cells speaking to each other just don’t make it in this country). So if that happens I’ll just be watching it online; something I’ve had to do for a few other shows that just didn’t make it here in the U.S. If it does happened to be brought back, I will be happy but I won’t get my hopes up.
If it gets put online, let us all know this please.maybe a cable channel will do it. they seem to have a better idea of what the viewers want!