(Photo: Freeform/Bob D’Amico)
Will Shadowhunters be saved for another season? Deadline reports Netflix is not currently in talks to save the cancelled Freeform TV show.
As reported earlier, Freeform has cancelled the supernatural drama after three seasons. The cast includes Katherine McNamara, Dominic Sherwood, Alberto Rosende, Emeraude Toubia, Matthew Daddario, Isaiah Mustafa, Alisha Wainwright, and Harry Shum Jr.
Despite vocal fan campaigns to save the show, Netflix says there are no negotiations to pick up Shadowhunters for a fourth season. Currently, the series is slated to debut its final season on Freeform in 2019.
From Netflix:
No Netflix negotiations are taking place to extend Shadowhunters beyond the 12 new episodes planned to premiere in 2019.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of Shadowhunters? Do you hope the show is picked up for another season?
why oh why do American networks release shows to worldwide audiences and then take no notice of viewing figures except in the US. Just start to get into something and CANCELLED because the American viewing figures are down. Start listening to others not just your side of the pond. Brilliant series too. Shame.
Looooved the show and truly wish it would be continued.
I am very disappointed that Netflix isn’t planning to pick up Shadowhunters. They’d be very smart to do that as this show had decent ratings and a loyal fan base. Hopefully things will change after the final episodes air and either Netflix, Amazon, or Hulu will save it.
Netflix would be smart to pick up shadow hunters. It was a fantastic show and enjoyed by many that I know.
the tv series and the books are my escape from the world it is what keeps me sane. without the show what am i supposed to do. this blocked out the cruel and horrible people, and let me escape into a world where i belongs
wow! I thought for sure Netflix would take over because of already being a huge part internationally. Very disappointed. Shadowhunters is such an amazing, unique show and the picked the best actors to play the characters. There will never be another show like it. It just needs a few more seasons to play out the story and not just end it where it is. A 2 hour finale will not be enough to end it. There is so much more to each characters story. Very frustrated and disappointed. I don’t watch a lot of tv because I’m a book reader,… Read more »
Not very happy Shadowhunters was the best free-form show can’t believe netflicks isnt even considering renewing it come on some one renew it please.very disappointed !!!
They always cancel the best shows. Won’t be watching freeform anymore after the last of Shadowhunters. Just started back watcing Freeform when they got Shadowhunters. Seems they only want trash on TV now days.
I wish someone would pick it up for a season 4, it doesnt deserve to be cancelled! The way freeform has treated the cast of the show is repulsive! The way they treat any of their shows is horrible they dont even give them respect! They let “Famous in Love” know they were cancelled by Twitter! That’s now right! They sent Shadowhunter cast to promote their other shows with a promise of a season 4 only to get to promotions to find out they had been cancelled! There is still so much love and stories to be told and it… Read more »
Please save the shadowhunters TV series on free-form I love that show so much please do another season and another.
If Netflix won’t save Shadowhunters, maybe Amazon Video should. Could Netflix save other shows instead? Like Scorpion and Code Black. Which cancelled shows would you like Netflix and/or Amazon Video to save?
I would like to see them save code black. I like shadow hunters but it has kind of ran its course personally.
Please don’t vote me down, people. I’m on your side.
I want to save Shadowhunters
I’d love for Amazon to pick up shadowhunters. I think Netflix did great promoting internationally but they’re not wanting to help now. Very disappointing. I bought all the seasons through Amazon anyways. We don’t do cable and Netflix did not have it here in the states. It’s probably what hurt it’s live ratings. People I knew just bought the show after it aired through Amazon.
I love this show and so does my family so we would love to see it continue!
This was a bad show from beginning in acting and storyline, Good to be fade away.
I think its sad that so many good shows are being cancelled for “re-vamped” or ” re-booted ” or “updated remakes” of the same shows that have already been run to death. Keep the original shows and stop doing the same shows over and over