Superfan is coming to CBS. The network has ordered the game show which will see contestants trying to prove that they are a musical celebrity’s biggest fan. A host has not yet been announced for the new series, which comes from “former CBS specials SVP Jodi Roth and Entertainment Tonight correspondent Keltie Knight and Jack Martin, exec producer of TBS’ The Misery Index and Comedy Central’s @midnight.” Martin is acting as showrunner.
Keltie Night spoke about the pick-up of the series in an Instagram post.
View this post on Instagram
Deadline revealed the following about the new series:
“Superfan is a musical spectacle disguised as a game show that will feature several rounds of play where fans will have the ability to advance to a final round for the chance to prove they are the ultimate fan. Each episode will name one superfan who will win the ultimate experience with the featured artist.”
A premiere date and the celebrities to be featured will be announced at a later time.
What do you think? Are you planning to check out Superfan on CBS?
Enough, Came shows reality shows there’s no point in watching TV anymore.
Because there aren’t enough shows already propping up this sorry state of dragon **** jokingly referred to as “music” which has existed since the 1996 Corporate Media Consolidation Act??
Ironically, the only network with music literally in the name (MTV) actually STOPPED playing any real music right around the same time, and after about 5 years of pushing either imitation corporate “rap music” or autotuned Disney boyband trash, they gave up the pretense and became the second worst “reality” TV channel on the planet (Bravo is still worse)
Beyond stupid.