Last season, Supernatural was the only TV show on The CW that was up in the ratings year-to-year. Will that assent continue or will the ratings fall? How long can this series continue? Cancelled or renewed for season 11? Stay tuned.
On Supernatural, the Winchester brothers, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles), continue their fight against the evil forces of the underworld. Misha Collins and Mark Sheppard return in recurring roles.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — typically the following morning, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
1/11 update: Supernatural and seven other shows have been renewed for the 2015-16 season.
Final season averages: 0.81 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 2.02 million total viewers.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Due to a Nielsen glitch, some of the early ratings of the 2014-15 season were revised a few weeks later.
Last year comparison: The ninth season of Supernatural averaged a 1.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 2.19 million total viewers.
Note: These are the final national numbers (unless noted with an “*”). These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you still like the Supernatural TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for an 11th season?
Should have ended at Season 5.
You should have ended at 5
I know season 1-4 were awesome season five sucked but had a awesome ending
Renew supernatural, please can’t wait or the next season.
Plz. Keep supernatural on the air it is a great show
I watch every episode including reruns
One of the best shows left on t.v.
Thank You
I am a die hard fan of supernatural and seriously think it should continue I don’t seem to get enough of Sam and Dean please let the show continue
The show has already been renewed for season 11. And if you’re fed up with the show you have the show, let the people who enjoy the show enjoy it until it’s end.
I meant if you’re fed up with the show then you have the choice to not watch it.
I love supernatural too can you please read Augusto comment, I love this show I would love to see 20 seasons
As an educated female, I completely disagree. It is occasionally sexist, but not misogynistic; there is no hatred of women. If you count “bodies” from the pilot, you’ll see that the show has killed off more recurring male characters than female ones. And the reason the boys can’t have lasting romantic relationships is because of a subset of *female* fans who complain loudly that they hate these characters/relationships.
If anyone dislikes or is embarrassed by this show, don’t watch it. The rest of us will continue enjoying the adventures as long as the show is on.
I agree with you’re comment I have been a big fan of supernatural and I love this show so much
Jennifer, you are so right! I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE this show like no one else! Everyone has right to their opinion but please don’t bash THIS show. Trust me, I read a lot of reviews for this show and the reason women don’t last long on this show isn’t because the writers don’t women on the show, the fans don’t respond well when the boys have serious love interests. Hence the reason sheriff Mills has lasted so long, no threat of being a love interest of the boys and she doesn’t get significant air time. Long story very short, I love this… Read more »
Nah. It should kept going to new season because it record- 1-11 seasons wow!
Agreed. If you don’t want to watch the show then don’t! No one is forcing anyone to watch. The haters just want to complain. If you don’t like it or want it to end or think it’s sexest theb just don’t watch it. There are much much much worse shows on the air (for example the housewives shows and they’re still on the air) just don’t watch it if if offends you. Simple as that.
I love watching this show.I hope this will continue.I like the role of Misha Collins as castiel how he act this show.Jared and Jansen are so amazing.I think I’m fallen for Misha’s character..ha ha
I have watched this show for so long and introduce it to so many people and they all love it and I even got my boyfriend into it and he hates watching tv. They should have a million seasons
I tell you when those idiots killed off Bobby singer the show basically died with it Misha Collins is kind of a pansy ass and the other guy is on the show way too much I mean the king of help obviously doesn’t go there often because he’s on almost every episode they don’t have very many of the recurring cast I mean the show is just not the same yeah it’s great to see Dean and his brother if you’re a female cuz you think they’re hot but come on it gets dog when they don’t have their father… Read more »
My wife and I just recently retired and we began watching ‘Supernatural’ on Netflix. We never watched television before due to our busy schedules, but now that we have retired, we decided to watch this show as the reviews were excellent. I can see why! We love this show! We have watched all 9 seasons in the past 3 months. We cannot get enough of the show. All the characters are great; they are real people. We especially enjoy how characters are continually being brought back. The dialogue is true to life and believable, and very clever. The banter between… Read more »
I agree I am 64 and absolutely love this show the Winchester Brothers are great. If we lose this show it will be very sad. I started purchasing the DVD’s because I wanted to watch the show anytime. Also I get to watch Supernatural on TNT in the A.M. episodes are a great help for me in the morning. Try it if you can get it in your area.
The amazing fact is that this show crosses ALL demographics. I see comments from people in their 20s, and a friend of mine is EIGHTY-THREE and loves this show. It’s not about audience age; it’s about the ageLESS appeal of the brothers working together to overcome everything. Sometimes they part, but in the end it’s always about family. This show is astonishingly good.
I absolutely agree no matter how old we are the Winchester brothers may never know what they mean to us. We will always love them in our Hearts. Hope the show goes on a long time
The writers a great don’t you agree
I thought it was so heart warming in season 10 when they heard him in heaven!
Absolutely not should supernatural be canceled. I watch every episode, record every episode and reruns on my dvr, and I also buy them when they come out on dvd. My whole family and at least 15 of my friends and their families watch this series as well. Please give them a higher rating, this is a very good show and puts a realistic twist on true or false lores. Especially when they gee t into the angels and demons. But even episode has been a reflection off of some fable or tale or lore so it makes it non-stupid in… Read more »
The show was renewed a couple of months ago.
I love supernatural…. Everything about the show, the characters, it just teaches people that are interested in the type of things about the show, it teaches a lot about the human body, life’s circle…..basically it speaks for itself, I Love the show and please continue it… Don’t take it off, or stop making it…
I LOVE this show! Dean is the hottest character in it and his attitude is so awesome! Where can I meet a real life guy like that? Oh btw, I’m coincidentally- in Ohio!
Lol …west
It was. It was never in question. It was renewed early on.
The reason the 18-49 bracket is dropping is because the fanbase has aged in the 10 years the show has been on the air… Yet still every year it brings new fans into the fold.
When will the powers that be learn that 18-49 doesn’t mean anything anymore… 50+ has the money to spend on their advertisers, lol
I’m still in the 18-49 bracket being 37, but I so agree with you. The age range shouldn’t matter like that. I mean look at TV now compared to back in the day to even just a few years ago. TV and the seasons and ratings have changed. Remember how we had the rating sweeps months (especially in May)? Well we have shows now that come on mid year, summer, seasons break in mid season and come back 3-6 months later. Some shows now only have 13 episodes per season compared to the traditional 21-23. I think ratings should just… Read more »
I got into the show last summer after seeing a few episodes on TNT. I rented the first season, got hooked, bought all the DVDs and binge-watched nine seasons pruior to watched S10 on a weekly basis. I’m ‘way out of the 18-49 demo–I’m 61! LOVE this show, and I have found others ranging from 20s to 80s who came to the show late and are now as hooked. SPN simply transcends the ordinary.