The Carol Burnett Show aired 12 seasons and nearly 300 episodes on CBS before it ended in 1978. Nearly 20 years after the show ended, The Carol Burnett Show now has its own YouTube channel.
TV Insider reported that the YouTube Channel will have 20 skits from the series ready for viewing at any time.
On the main page of the channel, Carol Burnett has a short 10 second clip welcoming fans to the channel.
Check out one of the classic skits below. Were you a fan of The Carol Burnett Show? Tell us what you think.
I grew watching this wonderful woman bring smiles to the world. How they ever kept a straight face on some of those skits with Harvey and Tim is beyond me. I was rolling on the floor:)
Watched this show. Very funny.
Love the skit when Harvey went to dentist and Tim Conway was the doctor who accidentally gave himself a shot in his own hand and it went dead. Funny….or the spoof about the soap and Tim Conway falls (slowly) down the stairs. This was a GREAT show. What’s happened to good entertainment these days. I am so tired of the reality shows and terrible comedy shows which uses curse words or the satanic shows.