Shortly after NBC cancelled The Event, it was reported that talks were underway to try to find a new home for the drama. There was apparently interest from some cable and digital outlets and possibly even Netflix. Executive producer Steve Stark noted that work to save the show had the full support of the Universal Media Studios.
Today, Deadline reported that talks were underway with Syfy (also owned by NBC-Universal) to continue The Event as a mini-series — if the financial details could be worked out. If that performed well enough, the cable channel could launch another season of the drama. If that’s true, it sounds like the mini-series wouldn’t completely finish the story so fans would potentially be left with unanswered questions yet again.
Now, a message from SyFy’s Twitter account seems to shoot down that possibility. The tweet from a senior executive at the cable channel reads, “To answer some questions I’ve been getting, at this time we have no plans to pick up The Event.”
What do you think? Could The Event still find a home at Syfy or elsewhere? Or, realistically, do you think the show is dead?
Image courtesy NBC.
Please bring back the Event. Why is it that producers never let the show go beyond the first season? It takes time to develop stories. Haven’t they learned from cancelling Firefly and Moonlight that some shows catch on after the first season??? Please at least tie up the loose ends in a few more episodes or made for TV movie events.
Why do they always leave us hanging? So many shows that seem like they’re popular…get cut without any closure for the fans! I HATE it!
No lo puedo creer. I can’t believe it. The Event was one of the best Sci. fi. series I’ve seen in years. It filled a void that other great Sci. Fis. have left after also being cancelled. And bytheway, who was the hot shot at NBC that decided the series was not good enough for a second season? Get the man fired!!! Even a cousin of mine that lives in the Caribbean called me up the night they aired the first episode telling me of how incredibly good this new series was. We talked about it every week. So, to… Read more »
This is the series i have most enjoyed in ages. Please, I beg you, bring it back. There is so many answers that we need to get from what happened in the last episode of the 1st season. Once again, please someone out there, do what is necessary to bring us a second season of this really enjoyable series.
I was left with so many questions at the end of season 1 with the Arrival. Please bring it back for at least one more season and give the show a proper ending— we were left with so many questions and thoughts. What will happen when Sophias people arrive, will Leila survive, what about Leila and Seans baby? And what happens to Sam? I would really like all the loose ends tied up!!! at least put on a mini series to finish up all the unanswered question! please!!!
The Event really got my attention maybe after 7 eoisodes.
BRING IT BACK please…..
How can you fault this show, it was gripping and I am guttered to find out recently that it was cancelled.
Every single episode, when it finished left me gasping for more. I was literally devastated when the episode finished.
Give me a break…the crap that is on TV….and you talk about rating….stuff there can’t possibly rate at all.
BRING IT BACK please…..
please bring back “The Event”, we love the show and need to know what happens!!!!
I can’t believe NBC brought “The Cape” in to replace “The Event”. Then when TE returns we get a few episodes followed by a cancellation before anything is solved. Viewers should be aware from now on that watching this type of continuous programming which is fun and exciting should not invest their time because the show can be dumped without any kind of satisfactory ending. Hopefully, another network will pick up the program and finish it to some sort of conclusion.
How many talent shows are you going to make me watch? This was a great show with a great cast.
The event started a little slow, but the writers put so much together so fast, the event got my full attention. I DVR all of the shows so I could watch them again. Twice the advertising for NBC customers. I was looking forward to many new seasons and as it always seems one of the networks disappoint myself and others again by showing us what they can do and then cancelled. I must admit I don’t watch much on NBC, but since the event was first aired, I had started watching some other NBC shows. Now this most likely doesn’t… Read more »
Bring the Event back!!! I’m tired of investing my time in new shows every season just for them to be canceled! At least give them a proper ending!
Bring the EVENT baaaaaack!!
Bring back The Event. At least give it a good ending. Why get everyone’s attention & then leave them hanging wondering what it going to happen. This was a great show.
Out of all the new shows this year, I really enjoyed the Event. It is nothing like Lost, which never gave you any ansewers. Where as The Event does. And it was just getting so good. I was looking so foward to Sophia’s people coming to earth, and there being a big battle.. Please if this some network can save this show I wish they would…………………
Now that the Event is no longer on the only NBC program we watch (my wife who doesn’t like SyFi never watched the Event) is Blue Bloods. I think the main lure is Tom Selleck, Tom Selleck, Tom Selleck and some good old Irish Cath0lic family values. Blue Bloods had its finale three weeks ago and no they are re-running episodes. Two this week (Wednesday and Friday-today).