Unfortunately, there’s still no official word on BET picking up the CW’s discarded-but-beloved sitcom, The Game. While there have been plenty of rumors (here and here for example), it hasn’t happened yet.
The latest rumor of The Game being revived came last month when some of the cast tweeted that they were heading to Atlanta. Some jumped to the conclusion that they were flying in to start shooting new episodes. Not so.
They were actually reuniting for a special episode of The Mo’Nique Show, a talk show hosted by actress and comedienne Mo’Nique. Those taking part are Coby Bell, Hosea Chanchez, Brittany Daniel, Pooch Hall, Tia Mowry, and Wendy Raquel Robinson.
The cast reunion airs tonight at 10pm on BET and hopefully fans will finally hear that the revival is “Game on!”
What do you think? Will you be watching? Is this a good sign for The Game’s future or just a way to get ratings for Mo’Nique?
UPDATE: Though previews showed Mo’Nique asking the cast “Is The Game coming back?,” this portion was edited out of the actual show. No mention of the sitcom’s future was made. Disappointed?
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Finally! someone saw the light! the obvious following this show has is incrediable. I know myself and many others have watched those re-runs until the re-runs just ran!!!!! I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear the show is coming back.
It’s a diverse and entertaining show. surprisingly touching on my facets of life. It is a well written show. I’m just glad good T.V. is back!
I love “The Game” it is my favorite tv show of all time. I love Derwin with those sexy puupy doy eyes. He is one FINE Brother. I love the Melanie-Derwin storyline. Janay needs to take a hike. I hope the baby turns out not to be Derwin’s. I want Jason and Kelly back together because they really do love each other. Tasha Mzck and Rick Fox married and Malik continue being the 40 Million Dollar Man!!! Please bring back Season 4. We need some good black television shows that don’t only show living in poverty and selling dope in… Read more »
I think bringing “The Game” back would definately solve a lot of money issues…..if that’s the problem….afterall it was quoted “The Game” brought BET some of the highest ratings than their regular aired sitcom shows. And on the other hand if money is not the issue……as a fan JUST BRING THE SHOW BACK………IT WAS A HIT!
Bring the game back. I loved but i want the new season to start, the ending was too abrupt.
this was awful she just weanted ratings and i personally will never watch the Mo’Nique show again because that made me so angery because i love the game and really wanted to see a season four and Mo’nique was playin us and now im mad she took an hour of my life she SUCKS
My name is Olga, I from Trinidad and Tobago, I really enjoy this show i watch the re-runs when i get home. Please do not cancel the show it’s my favorite show . I want to know what will happen after they married. Please do NOT cancel the show. Stay blessed
My family and I really enjoyed this show and would like for it to come back with new shows for another season.
please bring back the game you can’t just leave it when they get married what about after they get married BET please pick it up it’s your duty Black Entertainment Tv this is a good show please don’t let millions of people down.
i am 10 and i reall dont wont them to do this etheir
My sentiments exactly Dawn…Malik is kind of fly also :-]
PPPPPPPPPLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSEEEE bring the game bak i luv dis show ive seen every show but i still watch the rerunds on bet repeating every word just because I love it so much
The Game is the BEST sitcom on television–period! My dvr is set to record it daily, and I race home to watch the episodes. This show should be on BET, CBS, NBC, CW, and ABC! I absolutely love it and feel that it was a major mistake to cancel it! So please BET or someone pick this show up for a fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. season! By the way, I’m terribly missing Derwin!
One of the best shows out there. Why would CW cancel it and Why wouldn’t BET pick it up? Love it. The writing, direction, acting, and cast….priceless….(but then again priceless items are never quite appreciated for what they are worth) Bring it back–Just as Good, or–Even better(if possible). Please!
The game
wow when I seen the first episode
I was like look at Derwin Davis (hey your wife is beautiful)
Jason pits congrats on the twins I love the both of you
don’t get me wrong I love the whole cast
Jason reminds me of my lil brother
and derwin was my tv crush
yes I use to kiss your face on my Television
The person who decied to bring “The Game” back will not regret it or atleast make the new seasons into dvds so that people will buy them if moneys the problem. i love the game would like to see it back on he air.
OMG i love The Game !!! Please bring it back!!!