The New Adventures of Old Christine is the first show to break the so-called “Seinfeld curse.” The Julia Louis-Dreyfus sitcom debuted on March 13, 2006 and found a home on CBS following extremely popular Two and a Half Men, matching or exceeding Men’s ratings. It averaged 12.5 million viewers for the season.
Christine was renewed for a second year and performed very well earlier this season in the same timeslot. Christine went on hiatus in January to make room for the debut of Rules of Engagement which performed even better in the post-Men slot. Christine returned on March 12th at 8:30pm, once The Class finished its freshman season.
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Without the benefit of the Men lead-in, Christine’s ratings have been far more modest. Its return was down 35% from its last post-Men airing in January and viewership has subsequently sunk even lower. Its March numbers have been more in line with those of How I Met Your Mother and The Class, two shows whose future is in jeopardy. All of a sudden, The New Adventures of Old Christine’s future on CBS doesn’t seem quite so secure. Well, how about another network?
In speaking about Christine’s uncertain fate, TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello indicated that ratings challenged NBC is interested in picking up the series should CBS drop it. A show switching networks isn’t a common occurrence but this one would certainly make sense for the peacock network.
This possibility could actually force CBS to renew it, if for no other reason than to keep it out of the hands of the competition. We’ll likely have to wait to find out what happens. It’s likely CBS won’t announce their decision until the network upfronts in mid-May. Stay tuned!
Please bring the show back. Christine is one the funniest shows I have seen in a long time. I dont care what channel it is on, I just want it back on.
Thank You
The only good thing about Rules of Engagement is Patrick Warburton. He is the only one worth watching on this show but again, this is yet another immoral show that is bashing marriage and nothing but sex and vulgarity. Bring back Christine! This was a good show!! If CBS doesn’t want it let another station pick it up. If these stations would quit moving shows around where people can’t find them or know it’s changed maybe their ratings wouldn’t drop. Ever think about the fact that people miss it because they don’t know it changed? The ones who just tune… Read more »
Please bring Christine back. I look forward to Monday nights when all of the sitcoms are on. They are all great and I really wish they would drop some of the reality T.V and keep these shows on. Another disappointment for me was The Class being cancelled(that show was hilarous) Put these shows back on and stay away from the reality shows.
Sure, just when Christine and Blair Underwood’s character were finally going to be able to get together – you leave us hanging. Very good show – I also never cared much for Julia, but have come to enjoy her very much due to this show. Also enjoy the other characters. Especially Blair – he’s just so yummy 🙂
We keep watching on Mondays for the return of Old Christine. We change channels after 2-1/2 men now that she is no longer on. Please bring her back!
I can’t believe they would actually think of cancelling this show! It is by far one of the funniest shows on the air, just as funny if not funnier than The Office (which I also love!) KEEP IT ON THE AIR!
The show is brilliant — keep it on somewhere!!!!!!!
I love this show. It always made me laugh out loud. It’s awesome! Please keep it!
please bring christine back. it was a great show. she won the emmy, doesn’t that matter?
monday nights arent the same. 2 1/2 men is funny, but the language should be cleaned up a bit.
Please put Christine back on, CBS! What were you thinking–it’s the best comedy on the air! Monday night TV isn’t the same now that I’m only interested in watching Men and nothing afterwards–I don’t think Engagement and Big Bang are entertaining at all. I actually didn’t even turn my TV on this past Monday– what’s the point w/o Christine?
I want Christine back it was really funny, You can take off 2 1/2 men. I want Christine!
I was just checking to see if Christine was going to be back or not. I concur with the posts, I totally enjoyed the show. I miss the laughs!
This show is hysterical! Julia Dreyfuss has quickly become one of my favorites and the rest of the cast is just as good. I miss it! Please, please bring it back. It is one of the few really good laughs I get all week.
My daughter and I watched this show religiously and miss it tremendously. Bring it back!!
Please put Christine back on! It is the best show that has come along in a while! My friends and I watched it faithfully and loved it, so please bring it back!