Photo: Bennett Raglin/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 ratings — New episodes: Will Trent, High Potential, The Rookie, FBI, FBI: International, FBI: Most Wanted, Kitchen Nightmares, Doc, St. Denis Medical, Night Court, Deal or No Deal Island, and The Irrational. Sports: WWE NXT. Reruns: (none).
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The percentages represent the change since the previous original episode. (Percentages aren’t given for reruns or specials.) To see past ratings for a particular show, click the show’s link. The show pages are updated with the daily final ratings when they become available. Those pages include season averages to date.
What were you watching last night? Original network programming, reruns, cable, or something else?
High Potential and The Irrational are my 2 FAVORITE new shows. They are both well written and well acted. I hope they are both around for a very long time.