Last night was a big one for some Glee fans. Too bad the Blaine/Kurt kiss was a surprise because the ratings probably would have been up and not down. Still, the FOX series was easily the most-watched hour of the night.
Sadly, no good news for the V finale or Detroit 1-8-7.
NCIS (r)
– 12.748 million viewers
– 8.0/13 HH
– 2.2/7 A18-49
– 11.146 million viewers
– 6.4/11 HH
– 4.2/13 A18-49 (-8.7%)
– 4.3/15 A18-34
– 5.7/19 W18-34
The Biggest Loser
– 7.998 million viewers
– 4.9/8 HH
– 2.7/8 A18-49 (-6.9%)
No Ordinary Family (r)
– 3.403 million viewers
– 2.2/4 HH
– 0.9/3 A18-49
One Tree Hill (r)
– 0.806 million viewers
– 0.5/1 HH
– 0.3/1 A18-49
– 0.3/1 A18-34
– 0.5/2 W18-34
NCIS: Los Angeles (r)
– 12.482 million viewers
– 7.8/13 HH
– 2.2/6 A18-49
Raising Hope
– 5.739 million viewers
– 3.3/5 HH
– 2.2/6 A18-49 (-18.5%)
– 5.513 million viewers
– 3.4/6 HH
– 1.9/5 A18-49 (+11.8%)
Hellcats (r)
– 0.741 million viewers
– 0.5/1 HH
– 0.2/1 A18-49
– 0.2/1 A18-34
– 0.3/1 W18-34
Traffic Light
– 3.604 million viewers
– 2.2/4 HH
– 1.5/4 A18-49 (0%)
The Good Wife (r)
– 7.328 million viewers
– 5.0/9 HH
– 1.2/3 A18-49
Detroit 1-8-7
– 5.644 million viewers
– 3.6/6 HH
– 1.2/4 A18-49 (+9.1%)
America’s Next Great Restaurant (r)
– 3.861 million viewers
– 2.4/4 HH
– 1.6/5 A18-49
Raw ratings data copyright Nielsen, courtesy Travis Yanan.
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I can’t seem to find any actual information about whether Detroit 187 is being cancelled or renewed. In that time slot, it seems that it has reasonable ratings. It’s a great show — has really improved as the season went on. I sure hope it gets a chance with another season. They’re too quick to cancel shows now — a number of shows that turned out to be hits in the past did lousy at first (eg, “Seinfeld” I’m pretty sure did badly at first, “Hill Street Blues”…) I really hope that D-187 gets a second chance.
@martesa: The show is the lowest-rated scripted series on the network. ABC hasn’t said anything but there’s no way they’ll be bringing it back. Sorry.
Times have changed a lot since the 1980s and 90s and the networks can’t afford to be patient with shows any longer, especially those that lose viewers each week.
How was Glee the most watched hour of the night when reruns of NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles both had over a million more viewers than Glee?
If Detroit 1-8-7 keeps beating V and NOF, it could be the only show on Tuesdays to get renewed (on ABC).
@david: Sorry, no. They’re all pretty terrible. Keep in mind, NOF was a repeat.